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Weyodi OldBear
Indigenous Futurist and comic book writer, worked on Coyote & Crow, Numunu Citizen, carries a Spock doll in her purse. Performs femininity and knows it's a performance. Disabled in a seizures, dyslexic, global dyspraxia, and partially blind sort of way
1k followers396 following2.7k posts

The very first step

Reposted by Weyodi OldBear

"Advance Native Political Leadership says there are 184 Native candidates running across the country this year, up from 100 when it first started counting in 2016. About 80% of this year's candidates are women."

A record-breaking number of Native Americans are running for state and local office
A record-breaking number of Native Americans are running for state and local office

Native candidates see holding office as a chance to fight back following several national events that challenged treaty rights, protections for land and wildlife, and even adoption.

Reposted by Weyodi OldBear

For years I have been referencing Native traditional housing as a critique of the housing scarcity imposed on the masses. I pointed out that when climate change happens ppl will ideally be mass displaced and that will call for housing that is adaptable to nomadic lifestyles.

Reposted by Weyodi OldBear

Here’s what I firmly believe about climate catastrophes: the answer is never to place blame or to shrug and say certain people need to “just move.” There is no place that isn’t going to need help in some kind of a catastrophe.

Reposted by Weyodi OldBear

Annual reminder that Hancock and his pseudoarchaeology would have us believe that brown ancient civilisations are not capable of having created amazing things and that it was a mysterious white race that created them:

Any ice-age telepaths out there? Please explain why Netflix is revisiting Ancient Apocalypse | Catherine Bennett
Any ice-age telepaths out there? Please explain why Netflix is revisiting Ancient Apocalypse | Catherine Bennett

A catastrophe is indeed looming in letting Graham Hancock return with his oddball theories, now with Keanu Reeves in tow


But it was the template for colonialism


New Mexico is complicated, because a significant number of Indigenous people live in poverty but at the same time some Indigenous people in New Mexico choose a traditional subsistence lifestyle, which is counted as poverty by statisticians. New Mexico is a deep Blue state with a few red patches.


Aww shucks


Martin, the title character from George Romero's vampire movie, outside a window with a hypodermic needle in his hand

Another project finished (in the nick of time -for once) another family dinner cooked and eaten, the rest of the weekend I will doing to laundry, visiting the bank, and getting ready to go to the Shifting Seasons Summit

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Weyodi OldBear
Indigenous Futurist and comic book writer, worked on Coyote & Crow, Numunu Citizen, carries a Spock doll in her purse. Performs femininity and knows it's a performance. Disabled in a seizures, dyslexic, global dyspraxia, and partially blind sort of way
1k followers396 following2.7k posts