gravestone 🪦👻
I live in Colorado, have mad fits of creativity followed by periods of somnolence, and am charmed by snakes. She/her, or whatever. Signal: whetstone.54
529 followers838 following8.3k posts Hi!! I am so excited to find the Latest From Follows feed, it's something I've been really wanting. I have a question/suggestion; is it possible to make that feed load reverse-chronologically? That would make it much easier to scroll for new posts & stop when you catch up.


Yeah, thats probably better. Try it now


Right now it seems to be in loading in the order I followed people, but that means I have to scroll all the way to the bottom (and see a bunch of stuff that I already saw) to make sure I don't miss anybody. If it were reverse-chron I could just stop when I got to a post I recognize.

gravestone 🪦👻
I live in Colorado, have mad fits of creativity followed by periods of somnolence, and am charmed by snakes. She/her, or whatever. Signal: whetstone.54
529 followers838 following8.3k posts