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Lena Crown
Colgate University Nonfiction Fellow, PEN/Faulkner Writer in Residence, book editor at Autofocus, words in Guernica, Gulf Coast, Narratively, The Rumpus, etc. she/her ✨ X & IG: @which_is_to_say
195 followers217 following2 posts
Reposted by Lena Crown

The pub date for Snakeskin is Halloween, but the official launch event (via Zoom) is the next night, the Day of the Dead, November 1st, where I'll be joined by Megan Culhane Galbraith, Selah Saterstrom, Dennis James Sweeney, and (link to register is in my bio)


the other night a friend and i were rewatching Fleabag and he said "guinea pigs ARE just rats" and i agreed and then he said "which ones are the sexy ones? the sexy rats" and i said "squirrels?" and he said "yup, squirrels"


what do you call a post on here? a cloud? in any case today's installment of should-i-stop-agonizing-and-just-adopt-a-cat felt worthy of my first one

me! gal with red hair & blue headband smiling huge & holding a tortie kitty
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Lena Crown
Colgate University Nonfiction Fellow, PEN/Faulkner Writer in Residence, book editor at Autofocus, words in Guernica, Gulf Coast, Narratively, The Rumpus, etc. she/her ✨ X & IG: @which_is_to_say
195 followers217 following2 posts