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I make gay little drawings 🔞 minors dni, lesbian little creecher. I am 24 years of age!!!!!
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I'm just in shock at the amount of death and destruction Israel is doing and I cannot support a state that is so cruel and uncaring about other people. Maybe the real enemy is the state that tarnished the terms and beliefs of Jewish people and used it to justify murder. Not a dumb transgender woman.


Like I'm willing to try and see what the fuck I'm doing wrong and when so many people get so mad at me and everybody has a different opinion, what do I believe?? I know that I will inherently act antisemitic by virtue of how I was raised, I'm trying to unpack and untangle that.


Eh whatever I wish I was smarter sometimes this shit sucks


Because in reality I have more in common with a Jewish person and a palestinian than I ever could have in common with any billionaire or politician who makes these stupid decisions that end up in death and suffering I hate it


I wish the world was a better place and I wish people didn't die over things they cannot control or change. I hate that this system is hurting EVERYONE involved and that it brought suffering for everyone because the Europeans wanted to get rid of Jewish peoples at the cost of Arab peoples, I hate it


I'm just a fucking trans woman born half the world away trying to untangle my own antisemitism that was ingrained in me by growing up in catholic poland, I don't have a fucking solution to the war in Middle East I know that the violence need to stop because enough palestinian blood has spilled.


I don't know, it's just I feel bad for people born in Israel too because what the fuck are they meant to do they were born there this is the only land they ever lived on or knew they were not the ones who came there, it doesn't really justify participating in palestinian genocide though.


Like I wish Jewish identity wasn't one tied to so much tragedy and suffering and I wish people were not constantly tying them in with every crime and assigning what Israel is doing to all the jews and that the world didn't fucking hate and expel and enslave jews because it breaks my fucking heart


Either way my Tumblr replies have been a warzone and i just feel bad for jews for always being bounced around and oppressed by literally everybody and I wish the world treated jews better, but I cannot for the life of me condone oppressed becoming the oppressors. It's just not right.


But that'd mean they'd have to respect local people and their culture and beliefs that shifted over FOURTEEN HUNDRED YEARS. Instead of just rounding them up in open air prisons and drop bombs on top of them, like this is insanity.

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I make gay little drawings 🔞 minors dni, lesbian little creecher. I am 24 years of age!!!!!
1.3k followers43 following987 posts