Biochemist. Just tired right now. No pic due to work reasons but might eventually change.
7 followers28 following111 posts

The robotaxi is going to be Musk's magnum opus; a product that never gets built, and yet is responsible for multiple fatalities


republicans do literally everything they can to hobble disaster response and then blame the results on the people trying to do their jobs


A large chunk of the house and senate not crowing 24/7 about it, but I think in parts it's because anytime they do they get what I mentioned or even worse, a political piece on how 60% of America doesn't believe it's happening. Not having an all in Dem media group like fox, etc. for Rep is killer.


Oh with the tweet and blurb part I meant when the Dems do try to provide info. Biden going to various places to celebrate new plants still gets mediocre at best coverage, buttigieg mentioning it at every appearance gets dismissed because of course Dems actually do good work etc. doesn't excuse 1/


Last time we talked you *punch* told me *punch* to double down on the FJB shirts! *Slams head into ground*.


Dems definitely should have pushed it more and more often but when even brand new industry being built in areas that were dying got maybe a tweet and a blurb on like page A20 of the post I honestly am not sure how much it would have made a difference in forcing that type of media interest. 2/2


Somewhat agree, but they did do a decent rollout news wise when it passed/after. Republicans called it lies, some biased think tank "experts" announced the projections were guesses, and so in the end only science groups and those interested in it actually wrote pieces, with most media ignoring it.1/


Not at first, but I honestly wouldn't be shocked if after they ran out of brown people (which ugh for having to put it that way) they would swing to those darn socialists since these hate movements always need a target.


It is very difficult, that is not the issue. But the fraud was so significant that basically the past 15-20 years of Alzheimers research can be thrown out. To summarize, a big theory was that Alzheimer was caused by plaque on amyloid proteins. A 2006 paper claimed It had identified ....

Do we have Alzheimer’s disease all wrong?
Do we have Alzheimer’s disease all wrong?

New Alzheimer’s drugs and retracted research reveal the confusing state of the field.


Honestly "Trump bribed them" gives them a pass in my mind. It's honestly unlikely (not impossible obviously). Occam's Razor is more along the lines that they are judges picked to represent businesses over people most of the time. Remember many of these are technically D but really not appointments.

Biochemist. Just tired right now. No pic due to work reasons but might eventually change.
7 followers28 following111 posts