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Wolfram Lacher
Political scientist with a long-term interest in Libya and the Sahel. Author, Libya's Fragmentation (I.B. Tauris 2020); co-editor, Violence and Social Transformation in Libya (Hurst/OUP 2023).
339 followers230 following110 posts

The United Arab Emirates is expanding a covert campaign to back a winner in Sudan’s civil war. Waving the banner of the Red Crescent, it is also smuggling weapons and deploying drones. How a U.S. Ally Uses Aid as a Cover in War

Reposted by Wolfram Lacher

Pretty proud of this great special issue on Islamist armed groups in protracted conflicts I helped edit and shepherd. I think we break some theoretical ground in the framing essay and the six articles are top-notch. Read all about it!

Islamists in the MENA Warscape
Islamists in the MENA Warscape

Our new special issue on Iraq, Syria and MENA warscapes and a new book on Syria join the MENA Academy

Reposted by Wolfram Lacher

Mit der „Politik der ausgestreckten Hand“ versuchte PrĂ€sident Bazoum (2021–2023) der verschlechterten Sicherheitslage in Niger zu begegnen. Unsere Lisa Tschörner beleuchtet, unter welchen Bedingungen Dialog mit dschihadistischen Gewaltakteuren gelingen kann.👇

Dialog mit Dschihadisten in Niger: Potentiale und Grenzen eines gescheiterten Versuchs
Dialog mit Dschihadisten in Niger: Potentiale und Grenzen eines gescheiterten Versuchs

Dschihadistische Gewalt hat in der Sahelregion im letzten Jahrzehnt stark zugenommen. Neben militÀrischen Antiterroroperationen suchte Nigers...

Reposted by Wolfram Lacher

Islamists in the MENA Warscape - I edited and co-authored framing essay for this awesome new journal special issue. Check out all the details and links (our piece is open access):

Islamists in the MENA Warscape
Islamists in the MENA Warscape

Our new special issue on Iraq, Syria and MENA warscapes and a new book on Syria join the MENA Academy

Reposted by Wolfram Lacher

A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam As Israeli ministers, generals, and academics bay for a decisive new phase in the war, this is what Operation Starvation and Extermination would look like.

A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam
A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam

As Israeli ministers, generals, and academics bay for a decisive new phase in the war, this is what Operation Starvation and Extermination would look like.


Nicht, dass man auf Bittners Ansichten ernsthaft eingehen mĂŒsste, sondern nur weil Du hier Buchempfehlungen machst: habe neulich das hier gelesen und kann es sehr empfehlen, ĂŒber den zwangsverordneten Opiumanbau und mit Krieg erzwungenen Handel mit Opium, der fĂŒr das Empire des 19. Jh. zentral war.


First significant decline in the Libyan dinar's black market rate today since the crisis over the central bank erupted. Unless solution is found soon, that decline is likely to accelerate and shortages of goods will appear, with potentially disastrous socioeconomic consequences.


Amid reports that Saddam Haftar and Ibrahim Dabeiba are negotiating a deal that would see Farhat Bengdara being appointed as governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Bengdara is meeting with White House and State officials in DC. Ominous.

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Wolfram Lacher
Political scientist with a long-term interest in Libya and the Sahel. Author, Libya's Fragmentation (I.B. Tauris 2020); co-editor, Violence and Social Transformation in Libya (Hurst/OUP 2023).
339 followers230 following110 posts