Patchouli Woollahra
A cleaner version of a very filthy-mouthed Twitter account. If you know where, you know. if you don't, it don't matter. More focused on art rather than critiques, though expect me to still protest if you say something utterly absurd and terrible.
54 followers70 following2.4k posts

The one who dressed up as a goat wearing clown makeup and sang stanzas from I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Impeachment Witness. And if you believe what I just said, all it proves is just how clowncircus the whole show has become.


Patchouli Woollahra
A cleaner version of a very filthy-mouthed Twitter account. If you know where, you know. if you don't, it don't matter. More focused on art rather than critiques, though expect me to still protest if you say something utterly absurd and terrible.
54 followers70 following2.4k posts