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Wurzelentsafter Fella
Self proclaimed Head of NAFO AWACS 69th Reconaissance Sniffing Brigade| | Hiking enthusiast| Youtube addicted| Always up for new things to learn. #FELLA #NAFO
370 followers348 following114 posts
Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

😔 "Russia hit two thermal power plants. 16 missiles overall", - said DTEK Executive Director Sakharuk. ❗️According to him, russian missiles have begun to hit much more accurately than a year ago. Because west keeps supplying components for missiles to russia…

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

The death toll from the Russian missile attack on Odesa has risen to 20. Russian forces launched a missile strike on a residential area of the city on the morning of 15 March. Once rescuers & medics arrived at the attack site, they carried out a second strike. 📷 🇺🇦 SES

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

Explosions Echo Across Kyiv After Ukrainian Military Reports Major Russian Missile Attack

Explosions Echo Across Kyiv After Ukrainian Military Reports Major Russian Missile Attack
Explosions Echo Across Kyiv After Ukrainian Military Reports Major Russian Missile Attack

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

Rolf Mützenich ist uneinsichtig, der Kanzler zögert zulasten der Ukraine, über Michael Roths Nichtwahl in den Vorstand wird gejubelt (charakterlos), das 2%-Ziel drohte, gekippt zu werden: Wer verlässliche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik will, darf nicht auf die SPD setzen. Traurig, aber wahr. #SPDbpt

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó raised the question to rethink NATO’s 'failed' strategy towards Ukraine, because the current one, which provides for support to Ukraine in countering Russia's invasion, is allegedly not working.

Szijjártó Péter: A NATO-tagoknak újra kellene gondolniuk sikertelennek bizonyult Ukrajna-straté...
Szijjártó Péter: A NATO-tagoknak újra kellene gondolniuk sikertelennek bizonyult Ukrajna-straté...

Az elmúlt másfél év sikertelensége ellenére a többség nem mutat erre semmifajta nyitottságot - mondta a külügyminiszter.

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

Russia has developed new landmines that appear harmless to civilians and children. #ruzzia#landmines

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

Despite dense cloud cover blocking satellite, drone, and optical surveillance of the Avdiivka battlefield, our team continued the analysis using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems. Here is what we learned about the current situation. 🧵Thread:


It takes like 5 seconds for the app to load up. This is unacceptable get this fixed asap please!

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

It’s Daily Fella time. Read about russian protests & russia putting Euro Vision singer on wanted list!

Reposted by Wurzelentsafter Fella

The world’s richest 1 percent generated as much carbon emissions as the poorest two-thirds in 2019, according to a new Oxfam report that examines the uber-wealthy’s lavish lifestyles and investments in heavily polluting industries.

Children stand in front of tents. Headline reads, “The world’s richest 1% pollute more than the poorest two-thirds.”
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Wurzelentsafter Fella
Self proclaimed Head of NAFO AWACS 69th Reconaissance Sniffing Brigade| | Hiking enthusiast| Youtube addicted| Always up for new things to learn. #FELLA #NAFO
370 followers348 following114 posts