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Nora Heuer (currently CATless)
Liberal minded Canadian running the world from her patch of painted grass in Muskoka. ******* Seine Mutter saß am Tisch und schrieb. Ernsthaft rückte sie an ihrer Brille, und die Feder kratzte in der Stille. Und er dachte: Gott, hab ich sie lieb! — E. K.
94 followers124 following19 posts

**March 15 (I’m going to delete my account now)


I got mine today. Likely because taxes filed after May 15. So for me, it’s CCR day.


Not on threads, so ‘yes, please and thank you’.

Reposted by Nora Heuer (currently CATless)

Okay and these too. I just couldn’t not.

Tweet reading, “someone I know had a where is Kate Middleton happy hour at their office and I’m cackling”
Tweet reading, “I know there’s nothing new/interesting to say about the Kate Issue now, but it is still wild to me that they made the Photoshop fail her fault instead of being like, we are so sorry, our intern, Cuthbert Bottingsly Smythe, was overzealous and has thusly been beheaded.”
Tweet reading, “Big shout out to Hans Holbein, the original Royal Photo-shopper, who apparently put a hot girl Insta filter over his portrait of Anne of Cleves in the 1500s, which bagged her King Henry VIII.”
Tweet reading, “The princess of Wales is missing and the spare prince is in exile and the king is treating his cancer with herbs. If this were the 1300s, France would be looking to invade.”

Relieved, I am not even close to being crazy like that. Now I am worried about my eyes.


Depends on the craving. Love them both.


That’s amazing! I wonder if and how the human generated noise is interfering with those vibration based sounds we cannot hear.

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Nora Heuer (currently CATless)
Liberal minded Canadian running the world from her patch of painted grass in Muskoka. ******* Seine Mutter saß am Tisch und schrieb. Ernsthaft rückte sie an ihrer Brille, und die Feder kratzte in der Stille. Und er dachte: Gott, hab ich sie lieb! — E. K.
94 followers124 following19 posts