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Zachary A Mueller
Sr. Research Director at America’s Voice. Opinions here are my own.
314 followers111 following474 posts

I agree the scale + the lack of rigor will ensure that if they have the opportunity to execute the plan, a lot more than just our undocumented neighbors and family will be caught up in the detention camps.


Finally, if mass deportation was such a popular idea, why have Trump and Vance repeatedly run away from the details of their signature policy issue? Trump has had two debates & got a direct question in each about the details of mass deportation and dodged the question twice. That is quite a tell.


Nor is this the same sort of campaign bluster that we have heard from Trump before as and others have noted this time there is a plan, an eagerness to carry it out, and little in the way of impediments.

Why The Military Is Central To Trump Advisors' Plans For Mass Deportations
Why The Military Is Central To Trump Advisors' Plans For Mass Deportations

If you talk to the experts, they’ll tell you that Trump’s plan...


But family separation is just one of the horrific elements of the agenda as a must-read piece from‪ notes: “The former president's vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history.”

Trump's deportation army
Trump's deportation army

The former president's vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history. Oh, and it would also destroy the economy.


Vance has failed to rule out that their agenda will be a massive expansion of the family separation plan. And as the key architects of the family separation under Trump’s first admin are the ones developing the plans for mass deportation, we know where this is headed.

Vance declines to rule out the use of family separations if Trump is re-elected
Vance declines to rule out the use of family separations if Trump is re-elected

Some of the children who were affected by the Trump-era policy are now speaking out their experiences in a social media campaign.


It is also worth remembering here the massive backlash to Trump’s family separation policy. This is on a massively expanded scale with family separation of long-settled American families where we will see US citizen children child wailing at the horror of being separated from their mothers.

Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border
Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border

ProPublica has obtained audio from inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility, in which children can be heard wailing as an agent jokes, “We have an orchestra here.”


The comparison shift in sentiment some have pointed to CNN poll from '16 where we can see some shift in support from Dems & Indis (see notes above) but we see a 45 point swing from Republicans on the issue, suggesting this is more about radicalization on the right then persuasion of the middle.


That notion is backed up by the data, internal polling found similar results to the Marquette University poll that found a 16-point drop in support for mass deportation with the basic details of the plan outlined in the question.

2 builds on this point, noting “i believe when american people say they back mass deportation they believe that means ‘the bad people’... they do not think that means the nice family around the corner who they largely think of as "the good ones."

Oliver Willis (@owillis1977) on Threads
Oliver Willis (@owillis1977) on Threads

fwiw i believe when american people say they back mass deportation they believe that means "the bad people" who "broke the law" and in their minds eye are some kind of ms-13 gang member. they do not.....

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Zachary A Mueller
Sr. Research Director at America’s Voice. Opinions here are my own.
314 followers111 following474 posts