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#NAFOfella English Español 日本語 Italiano Português Français אידיש 妖怪に成りたいです secret powers: 見えない老女 invisible old lady code switcher CisHet lo-melanin ally/spy 🚺 What didn't kill me made me stranger. Location: Your sofa (pronounced Langley)
241 followers384 following616 posts

VOTE BLUE IN ALL RACES Help others register and cast their ballot. [1]

Whom Will Trump Blame if He Loses the 2024 Election?
“..the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss if I'm at 40%,” blaming the lack of support on what he described as “the
Democrat hold or curse” on Jewish voters.¹ A recent Pew Research Survey found American Jews favor Harris over Trump by a margin of 65% to 34%.²
Trump has also insulted and/or threatened
• Indigenous Americans
• Educated People
• Young People
• Immigrants
• Muslims
• Asians
• Veterans
• Catholics
• Black People
• Disabled People
• Multi-Racial People
• Latino/Latina/Latinx People

Is Trump’s 💩List a Hit List?
Do you see yourself represented in Norman Rockwell's iconic THE GOLDEN RULE? Likely, Trump has preemptively blamed—or will blame—you for his loss at the polls. His most radical followers already attack Haitians and others on his 💩list with impunity.

If you are eligible to vote—including if you're 17 and will be 18 by Nov. 5—✔️ your registration at and make a plan to vote.

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#NAFOfella English Español 日本語 Italiano Português Français אידיש 妖怪に成りたいです secret powers: 見えない老女 invisible old lady code switcher CisHet lo-melanin ally/spy 🚺 What didn't kill me made me stranger. Location: Your sofa (pronounced Langley)
241 followers384 following616 posts