How does a ghost haunt an ADHDer? By folding their laundry. (Wait - why wouldn't the same methods work for everyone? Because they never do.) To learn more about my course on working with neurodivergent writers, go to

A confused person is standing in his kitchen, trying to puzzle something out. Behind him, some cabinet doors are open and show unusual items among the dishes (keys and a basebell). Dirty dishes are stacked next to the sink and above it all, a ghost is hovering with mouth open and arms up, as if to say, "Boo!"
That same ghost is floating above a yellow couch in a library next to a lit lamp, reading a book with the title, "How to Effectively Spook the ADHDer in Your Life."

Fellow ADHDer here. Totally get it. And its always a trip to reuse an idea. An abandoned comic series I had became a short story, then a podcast episode. Then Netflix adapted it. Its better for it.


#ADHDacceptance Day 2: What I love about being an ADHDer is... "Letting the dog off the leash." The near-manic high from intense focus on a preferred activity or absolute lack of inhibition when geeking out with other neurodivergent folks feels like a humming nuclear reactor inside me.

Dark gray graphic with blue-lettered list of 31 days of topics for ADHD Acceptance Month (apologies for not listing them all here).

Was talking w/a friend & fellow adhder the other day & he was lamenting how people don’t understand how for every symptom that people SWEAR is FUNDAMENTAL to having adhd there is someone w/adhd who experiences the exact OPPOSITE symptom b/c adhd is a disorder of, say it with me, DIS-REG-U-LA-TION.


ADHD drugs need to be available over the counter. The process for obtaining them every month is exactly the kind of thing an unmedicated ADHDer will trip up on Adderall is far less addictive than speed and NTs don't benefit from taking it. There's little point in restricting it


As an ADHDer, the chemistry of divergence, and the self-medication thereof, freakin fascinates me. Autism, anxiety, ADHD, trauma... they all seem to have particular flavours of chemical counteractants. The more I notice, the more the so called neuro-typical look way less typical.


Daar hoef je geen adhder voor te zijn hoor waarom anderen een land binnen vallen. 😉Daar hoef je geen adhder voor te zijn hoor waarom anderen een land binnen vallen. 😉


The reviews say that the tracker doesn’t update I will assume for now that it won’t alert me to my gate number, which was a critical feature as an ADHDer.


My fellow Autistic/adhder I feel your pain. I feel like people will notice the advantages and kinda romanticize it which sucks too. My first job I worked alone in a quiet area. Went to a more typical work environment and realized I couldn’t even do it 😭 felt so much shame and self hate bc of that


When I see creators who strike a certain vibe with me, and they turn out to be autistic/ADHDer/bipolar/etc, I think about how hard this stuff can be to work out and how much it impacts our art