Some Irish estate agents are on RTÉ Two now. They seem to have the oddest misunderstandings of the meaning of many quite ordinary words. They embark on rambling sentences, get lost in their verbiage and then just stop. None of them so far sounds like a native speaker of English.


Quote post with an unknown/forgotten--or famous--fox character Femme Appeal from the BOOM! Studios Darkwing Duck comics!


Via AJC, here's the opinion:

Accordingly, Section 4 of the LIFE Act is hereby DECLARED unconstitutional.33 ... Finally, O.C.G.A. 16-12-141(f) is DECLARED unconstitutional. It, too, shall not be enforced by the State or any of its agents. 

33 The Court has addressed Plaintiffs’ equal protection challenges in this Order as well. However, those conclusions are mooted by the re-affirmation that, in Georgia, women’s rights to liberty and privacy guarantee their freedom to make personal, private healthcare choices until a fetus reaches viability. Should a higher court divine a different, more restrictive meaning of liberty for the over five million women of Georgia, then this Court’s ruling that the medical emergency exception that excludes mental health emergencies violates some Georgians’ right to the equal protection of law must also be considered.

Blue MAGA definitely exists


I recommend meeting with a couple local, independent Medicare agents if you don't already have one. They will help you compare coverage to other advantage plans and also to a supplement.


For more information about this service and more, check out our website in our bio! #WritingCommunity#EditingTips

Dark blue background. Bottom left corner has the company logo for book light editorial, an open book with a lightbulb in the center. The heading text says, “Shiny Submission.” Body text says, “This is perfect for anyone preparing to submit to agents and editors. We polish up those sub materials together, but authors often can apply that feedback to self-editing the rest of the book!”

It's so ridiculous

Alans mission (Jackson 199e, SoRoers 1951). Instead, the Klan's true genius lay in its remarkable ability to raise revenue. We estimate that at the peak of the Klan, initiation fees, dues, and profits from robes in the state of Indiana alone generated nearly $4.4 million (in 2011 dollars) annually for the national Klan leader, $2.6 million for the head of the Indiana Klan, and over $330,000 each for the national head salesman and the salesman responsible for Indiana. Per capita income in the United States at this time was roughly $8,700 in 2011 dollars. Rather than a terrorist organization, the 1920s Klan is better described as a wildly successful multi-level marketing entity fueled by an army of highly incentivised sales agents and an unprecedented interest in fraternal groups of all kinds (Skoepol 2003). Our findings fit squarely into Glaser's (2005) pioneering analysis of "entrepreneurs of hate," in which political and business leaders create and encourage hatred for private benefit
"When the sales structure was initially put into place in 1921, it appears that none of the initiation fees went to the Grand Dragon who was in charge of the state, but by 1924, $2.50 of each initiation was funneled to the Grand Dragon. In addition, each member was required to pay an annual $1 realm
tax which was paid to the Grand Dragon responsible for that state (Alexander 1965). Loucks (1936) also reports that 50 cents of the $6.50 cost of a robe went to the Grand Dragon. The strongest financial incentives, however, were for the sales force and the national leaders. The sales force was organized on a multi-level marketing principle, much like modern companies such as Amway and Avon. The U.S. was split into nine Domains with a Grand Goblin in charge of each. A Goblin would then hire a King Kleagle for each state under his control; the King Kleagle was responsible for the army of Kleagles, salesmen who were paid by commission, in his state..."

Love French drama series like Spiral (gritty cops series) & The Bureau which was actually made with approval of French government & based on real life experiences of their agents. Horrifying at times. Enjoy Paris for me 😊😊


Yeah - but this will not reach the people who need to know. And it would make no difference if it did. “Because all politicians are the same you know!” Sadly these concerted attacks by the rightwing agents in this country has shifted the political dial significantly however imbalanced and unjust.