

My husband still grumbles about how I made him go to a special screening of Fassbunder's Berlin Alexanderplatz, (it was a miniseries that was being shown over two days). He still will quote the opening " the punishment begins" .


Fernsehturm 📍Alexanderplatz, Berlin 📷Ivan Pilipovic


Sag das mal dem Alexanderplatz: es war in 4 Geschäften keine aufzutreiben und jetzt muss ich ins Hotel, sonst kippt meine Stimmung dann endgültig 🥺


Berlin Alexanderplatz


Part 2/2
Timestamps refer to the second part of the documentary as available on Youtube

Megaphone Voice @ 0:00
*demanding that police forces allow for people to leave the area*

Caption @ 0:03
East Berlin
3rd of October 1990

Megaphone Voice @ 0:24
*asking to speak with a police coordinator*

Screams @ 0:27
roughly „fuck off, pigs! Fucking cops, dirty pigs!“

@ 0:41
„Nie wieder Deutschland“, see above

Chants @ 0:43 & 0:48
„Haut ab“, roughly „fuck off!“
Cameraperson @ 0:53
*chiming in*

Objection @ 0:55
*Comrade asking cameraperson to tone it down and not jeopardize the documentation*

Megaphone Voice @ 0:59
*once again demanding that police forces stop provoking/attacking protesters*

Cameraperson @ 1:05
„Finish them off! Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!“

Megaphone Voice @ 1:14
*once again asking the cops to at least allow for people to leave the area*

@ 1:22
*repeating that request*

@ 1:39
*once again, but more aggressively worded, also calling the police ops an assault for the first time*

@ 1:46
*asking to speak with press*

Voiceover @ 1:52
The following riots at the Alexanderplatz arose from the unabatedly brutal cop ops directed against the people just present there.

Music @ 3:16
„Deutschland“ by Slime

Flying Banner @ 4:55
„Tod dem westdeutschen Imperialismus“, that is „Death to West German Imperialism“

Distorted Megaphone Voice @ 5:10
Now they’re here – have invaded here and are now arrogating total sovereignty, total control of the media, of the public opinion...

Voiceover @ 5:20
How exactly the media would manipulate the public opinion can be seen in the Tagesschau from October 3rd.
Tagesschau Voice @ 5:26
These are probably the most iconic images of today: The Marx-Engels monument being used as a playground, or as the background in farewell photos of people’s GDR past. But then, the less beautiful images of the day: In the early evening, a couple thousands of adolescents marched from Kreuzberg to the Alexanderplatz. Autonomous groups had called for this demonstration. Slogan: „Germany Shut Up – That’s Enough“. The procession started peacefully, but upon arriving in the Eastern part of the city, riots would happen.

Voiceover @ 6:01
So far, so bad. The Tagesschau didn’t mention what led to those riots for a good reason, because already before the rally ended, the police was actively provoking violence. For inexplicable reasons, the sound truck is getting brutally attacked.
Megaphone Voice @ 6:17
*demanding police forces to leave the demonstration alone, to stop provoking/attacking protesters*

Chants @ 6:19
„Haut ab“, roughly „get off!“

Voiceover @ 6:49
One person with a fractured skull, two with major cuts, several with contusions, bludgeon strokes at crotches and knees – these are the results of this first attack. The demonstration marches on, finally arriving at Alexanderplatz.

Voiceover @ 0:43
By extending the cop apparatus to GDR territory, our spaces of freedom fell as well. For the night between October 2nd and 3rd, the old and new rulers of Greater Germany ordered cheerful ceremonies in the heart of Berlin. Between Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, and Alexanderplatz, the final victory of free market economy was supposed to be celebrated with flags and anthems, in a funfair-like manner.

Caption @ 1:10
Night between October 2nd and 3rd, 1990

Voiceover @ 1:10
Aside from these official ceremonies, very different actions take place.

Flying Banner @ 1:22

Voiceover @ 1:27
And while the VIP’s are meeting up in the Schauspielhaus, people at the Friedrichstraße don’t give a damn about celebrating.
Chants @ 1:47
„Nie wieder Deutschland“, roughly „(Greater) Germany? Never again!“

Megaphone Voice @ 1:52
*encouraging the bloc to push forward...*

@ 1:56
*... to push the riot cops away...*

@ 1:59
*... to eventually occupy the entire Friedrichstraße*

Bloc with GDR flag @ 2:07
„Deutschland verrecke“, roughly „Snuff it, Germany!“

Voiceover @ 2:52
Angry and helpless, that’s how we experienced the reunion.

Banner @ 2:56
„Halt’s Maul Deutschland – Es reicht!“, that is „Germany Shut Up – That’s Enough!“
Voiceover @ 2:59
It was a surprise, but a pleasant one, that, in spite of the short preparatory period, approximately 20,000 people participated in the central demonstration on October 3rd.

@ 3:07
On this day, the cops invading East Berlin got backup from North Rhine-Westphalia and federal border guards. This had only been legalized two days earlier.

What a farce! Ersatzverkehr U2 zw. Senefelder & Alexanderplatz. Man braucht ewig zu Fuß von der Bushaltestelle bis zum Bahnsteig am Alexanderplatz.