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Artist, writer, creative person, Avocado-chochacho. Keeper of weird memes, craft beers, strange opinions, Kamen Rider stuff, low profiles and generally a dude of strange cares. (he/them)
288 followers244 following5.1k posts

What’s everyone’s WORST movie experience? I went to see that crappy 1998 AVENGERS movie and it had a film break 1/3rd of the way through and people were palpably happy. It was kind of darkly amusing, because that movie is, well, total ass.


Saw that on a plane, and was tempted to walk out


That fucking movie. I took a young lady who I desperately fancied to it as a date, figuring that Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurmon being exceedingly hot togther was a sure-fire prelude to at least making out if not more. Reader: there was no making out, and there was no second date.


That is my go-to example of an empty world movie; I.e. disaster flick where they're too cheap to hire literally any extras.


Went with a friend to see "The Brothers Grimm" (2005). It was so bad I would have left if I'd had my car. As it was, I went and hid out in the bathroom for a prolonged period.


A friend really wanted to see one scene in Freddy got Fingered. The "do you want sausages daddy?" We walked out immediately after that and I don't know if we ever forgave him.


'The Last Jedi'. Some guy (not me), who didn't want to miss a moment, snuck down to the vacant front row seats to take a dump. It took about 15 minutes to fill up the theater with the smell and the ushers couldn't find the culprit so they kicked everyone out.


Went on a date to see Shallow Hal. Thought the guy had reached over to hold my hand but nope! Stuck my fingers in his mouth as far as he could and bit down hard enough to leave bruises. Got up and walked out. Still have no idea what he was thinking or how that movie ends.


Ok so I’m the weirdo who’s charmed if a reel is out of focus for a sec, projectionist screws up, some doofus exclaims a thing or two at the screen, etc but I gotta say it was a bit disappointing to be one of two people at Comic-Con last year to see Christine


In college, mid 80s. First date with a guy I knew who really wanted to date me. He was so excited about the movie choice. He wasn’t great company but how bad could a movie be? It was The Wall. On the big screen. From the front row. I got a migraine and nausea. He was hurt I didn’t like *his* movie.


We went to see the Bewitched movie, and we weren't expecting much. But when the power went out about 20 mins in, the theater staff told us to sit tight for a few mins, and everybody was talking about how bad the movie was. When they came back & said they were closing the theater & giving everybody

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Artist, writer, creative person, Avocado-chochacho. Keeper of weird memes, craft beers, strange opinions, Kamen Rider stuff, low profiles and generally a dude of strange cares. (he/them)
288 followers244 following5.1k posts