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Minnesotan on her third career and counting. Coffeeshops, city life, books and progressive politics. Bad church lady.
125 followers122 following1.7k posts
Reposted by babsbeaty

It doesn’t start with Kristallnacht. It doesn’t start with gas chambers. It doesn’t start with concentration camps. It starts with saying immigrants eat your pets.


I don’t think Trump understands any such thing. He understands attack politics and applause from whoever he’s talking to. If Harris was running an anti-war campaign by he’d attack her on for it. Call her weak. He claims to be anti-war in the same sentence he talks about the wars he’ll wage.

Reposted by babsbeaty

the same way it worked for gay people and later gay marriage - so many folks think “it’s weird” until it’s someone they know and care for and it’s why the bigots are so determined to drive trans people out of public life, so nobody has a chance to come to that realization

Reposted by babsbeaty

The next cover of The New Yorker, in which the magazine endorses Vice President Harris. — And I just overheard someone say “I’m not voting for Kamala because she’s a woman, I’m voting for Kamala because she wants me to have as many rights as a man”. This needs to be said more.

Reposted by babsbeaty

The We Rate Dogs guy got to meet Scout Walz (and Tim) and this is the reason for the Internet, right? Tim Walz getting down on the ground to pet other dogs is so sweet. His conversations with Scout are so sweet. "Thank you for that wet hug."

Tim Walz and His Rescue Dog Scout | WeWalkDogs
Tim Walz and His Rescue Dog Scout | WeWalkDogs

YouTube video by WeRateDogs

Reposted by babsbeaty

I don't want to put too fine a point on this but this was how Jim Crow was upheld. If you were a white person who thought it was a dumb system and did things that let others know that you might find a bomb in your house or in your car.

Reposted by babsbeaty

Remember how cancel culture was a national crisis because online mobbing with harsh words was a dire threat to free speech? Anyway, this man in Ohio, plus his family, are getting mobbed with death threats because he said that people Trump and Vance are viciously lying about are good workers


Yeah, it struck me as not so much a win them over movie as a weed them out movie. Which I guess could be considered efficient

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Minnesotan on her third career and counting. Coffeeshops, city life, books and progressive politics. Bad church lady.
125 followers122 following1.7k posts