Angela Davis (2016) analyzes how Israel’s lobbying efforts spread its “tentacles” into black churches, cementing its influence more effectively than Afrikaner apartheid lobbyists previously could.

Certainly there was a powerful apartheid lobby, but it did not have nearly the influence as the Zionist lobby, which can be seen in terms of Black religion; its tentacles reach into the Black church, there have been direct efforts to, on the part of the state of Israel, to recruit significant Black figures. And I don't know whether we experienced that level of sophistication during the antiapartheid era. Certainly the Israeli state has learned from that movement. But at the same time I think that we've never seen on a grassroots level the kind of affinity with the struggle in Palestine as we are witnessing today among activist groups. And my experience has been whereas once one would have expected perhaps restrained enthusiasm for the Palestinian struggle, now one can expect that audiences everywhere embrace this struggle.

Les journalistes du Monde en pls face à Sally Rooney 👑👑👑

En 2021, vous avez annoncé que, en solidarité avec la Palestine, vous refusiez que vos livres soient traduits en hébreu. « Intermezzo » va-t-il sortir en Israël ?
Ce n’est pas tout Ă  fait exact. Je n’ai jamais dit que je refusais que mes livres soient traduits en hĂ©breu. En revanche, je n’ai pas voulu vendre les droits de traduction de mon troisiĂšme roman Ă  une maison d’édition israĂ©lienne spĂ©cifique, en raison de sa complicitĂ© avec le systĂšme Ă©tatique d’occupation et d’apartheid. Je comprends qu’il existe diffĂ©rentes approches de ce problĂšme difficile, mais j’ai estimĂ© que je ne pouvais pas continuer Ă  accepter de signer des contrats avec des sociĂ©tĂ©s directement complices de violation des droits humains. J’ai pris cette dĂ©cision selon les recommandations de la campagne Boycott DĂ©sinvestissement Sanctions, qui s’inspire Ă©troitement du boycott antiapartheid contre l’Afrique du Sud.

En pratique et Ă  la suite de cette dĂ©cision, mon troisiĂšme roman n’a toujours pas Ă©tĂ© traduit en hĂ©breu.

1989 — Ocorre a maior marcha antiapartheid na África do Sul, liderada por Desmond Tutu.


12 de setembro de 1977 (hĂĄ 47 anos): O ativista sul-africano antiapartheid Steve Biko morreu sob custĂłdia policial apĂłs sofrer espancamento. Ele era famoso pelo slogan "Black is Beautiful", que ele descreveu como: "VocĂȘ Ă© bom como Ă©; comece a se ver como um ser humano." #historia


“And with that he inspired our youth to shed themselves of the sense of inferiority they were born into as a result of more than three hundred years of white rule.” #ForANewRepublic#ANC#AntiApartheid -9


Bom dia a todos! Em 12/9/1977, o ativista sul-africano antiapartheid Steve Biko morreu sob custódia policial. Desde sua morte sob custódia da polícia, ele foi chamado de mårtir do movimento anti-apartheid. Ficou também famoso por seu slogan "black is beautiful"


Do Rio ao Mar conversa agora com o jornalista Felipe Bianchi de @cbaraodeitarare sobre mais um massacre em Rafah e a ConferĂȘncia Global AntiApartheid para a Palestina acontecida na África do Sul. Parem o genocĂ­dio!!

Pacto Europeu de Migração/Conferencia Global AntiApartheid/UFSC:A ocupa voltou/Greve dos professores
Pacto Europeu de Migração/Conferencia Global AntiApartheid/UFSC:A ocupa voltou/Greve dos professores

SEGUNDA, 27/58:30 - Abertura com Sofia Andrade e Raul Fitipaldi9:00 - JTT com Marina Caixeta10:00 - Mural da ManhĂŁ com Sofia Andrade e Marina Caixeta11:00 - ...


Except that's a tiny minority of people who are using the term right now. I would say that the majority of the non-Jews (because there have always been Jewish antizionists!) describing themselves that way are using it in a way analogous to "antiapartheid".