Honestly I imagined you'd just roleplay it, ask a play partner to open the door and be like "Oh, I'm sorry" and you do the rushing to stop recording etc


Quick, ask me a ttrpg question. Ill do my best to answer


YES PLEASE "proposing a new federal rule that would require—not ask—carmakers to ensure that the front ends of their vehicles do not create excessive risk of pedestrian head injuries"

The Solution to Giant Killer Cars Is Really, Really Simple
The Solution to Giant Killer Cars Is Really, Really Simple

It’s not cars that are more sophisticated.


I am bookmarking your page for things to ask for this holiday season. I saw the borb pins and knew that I'd have to ask for some of them to go on my knitting bag. Definitely the tufted titmouse and black-capped chickadee.


Bsky is great cause I can just talk to someone and we're people and we just go wow ur people too and then we organically get to know each other more can't ask for anything better


Who knows why they do this. I think the crappy firms probably make cash churning out quick polls, yes. Some of the ratfuckers probs exploit betting markets with how they can move the averages. The real question is why do sites that ask us to take their work seriously still tolerate & enable this.


Not any in particular! I still need to ask around to see if I can find a couple folks to room at one with, I just haven't been actively doing that LOL. I think FC might be the only early-year con I've been to but there's so many newer ones I'd love to try! Would love recommendations!


YES PLEASE "proposing a new federal rule that would require—not ask—carmakers to ensure that the front ends of their vehicles do not create excessive risk of #pedestrian


I'll fetch the AI from the van cause if you want the best ones but you don't ask questions then brother, I'm your man


Why do they do this you ask… lol if they have a property investment company they can offset their losses with their profits and pay NO TAX!! but here’s the catch, they can also sell and pocket the capital gains, or just borrow against the increased value and buy more fucking property 😡😡😡