Wow! There are a lot more of you suddenly. Welcome :) I'm Heather. I live in the woods of Manitoba, Canada. I'm a former ecologist, now an interpretive planner, writer and illustrator. I also guide wildlife tours to Churchill. I share nature notes, wildlife photos, my art, signs, and other stuff.

A selfie of a woman wearing a brown jacket and wide-brimmed felt hat, which is covered in fresh snow. She's smiling at the camera from behind a light grey scarf bundled around her heck. Behind her is a snow-covered spruce forest.
An interpretive panel detailing the evolution of the channel of the Assiniboine River in Manitoba. The left third shows how the river used to flow into Glacial Lake Agassiz, forming a huge delta that you can still detect on the landscape today. The middle explains the process called avulsion when a slow-moving river build up sediment to the point that it breaks the bank and starts a new channel. The last third shows the different channels the Assiniboine river used to have over the last 9000 years.
A woman (the artist) stands in front of a mural that she painted depicting the lake Winnipeg food web. Below the water, you can see an otter, walleye, perch, pike, whitefish, cisco, and other animals swimming and living out their lives. Above the water are pelicans, ducks and a collection of boats from a small finish yawl to a large research vessel.
A group of people stand in front of an enormous white all-terrain vehicle known as the tundra buggy. They are only as tall as the wheels of the machine.

I couldn't ask someone who suffered a ring avulsion to wear a gape glove


Jimmy can't post hole. June 26, 2015, Fallon suffered a ring avulsion when he tripped over a rug in his home and failed to break his fall by holding onto a countertop, causing his finger to nearly get torn off by his wedding ring. He had microsurgery & 10 days in the ICU, so he can't open his ass.


Aha. I found it! I knew there was a picture relating to the damming of the river by Williams & co. Co-seimic river avulsion albeit 4 yr after the quake in 1867. FYI Cyclone Gabrielle has now removed this 19th century dam


I also have a couple of her rings - not valuable, but sentimental. Though unfortunately I stopped wearing rings a few years ago after googling images for "ring avulsion". (Tip: don't do it.)


Ah I got one wrong. You scroll down and it shows break down by demographic, and you can see the answers. My mistake was avulse - didn’t know the meaning. Only heard of an avulsion fracture, but didn’t know what type of break that was.


calling up my partner to thank him for getting an avulsion fracture


Avulsion off the GT too? I hope you won!


feeling good enough about my recovery/not being a fall risk to go back to wearing my wedding band (I have a weird phobia of ring avulsion injuries; iykyk you should not under any circumstances google it)