Is he ignoring you or is he comatose from hitting delta blinkers


I do think so many anti-doomers have blinkers on about the enormity of the challenge we face regarding the climate. Sure, we are better off than we were a hundred years ago, but at what cost? The next generations will determine whether our security and prosperity destroyed the world or not.


As promised, a continuation of the ALT text... which I have to post as ALT text (attached to the same image), because it's too long to fit into this main text. 😁😉😜

There remains one major problem: the fear that by voting Independent or 3rd-party, we'd be "throwing our vote away". However, the bigger the percentage of people who vote Independent/3rd-party THIS year, the more people might be encouraged to vote so in 2 years' time, therefore even more in 4 years' time, and so on.

It's high time that we broke the stranglehold of the 2-party hegemony... in which BOTH major parties serve Corporate USA! The GOP is quite honest about how awful it plans to be. The "Democratic" Party LIES to us about working for our best interests when it really works for the interests of #TheRichAndPowerful. It works TOGETHER with the GOP AGAINST The People.

If Libs would take their blinkers off, they'd see the truth of that.

out here at the erotica pile hittin blinkers at the erotica pile


I’ve got a combination of blinkers and a memory like Swiss cheese.


That's the only good thing that came out of his existence in our lives. We are now more aware than ever the fascist crud that walk among population. Our blinkers are off ! He emboldened them and they all came crawling out of the woodwork and under every stone.


from my experience it's usually the latter, which then kinda turns into the former, if that makes sense. leninists have constant blinkers on, which eventually gives them brain damage, just like every conspirational ideology.


I channeled you today! As I came up to cross Mount Vernon at E. Oxford, a guy in a large SUV pulled up into the crosswalk, put his blinkers on, got out of the car & started walking across the street. As I tried to look around his car to see if it was safe to cross (cont)


Switch to a 510, blinkers are shite. 1/3 of them have defects.


i’m at the google office hitting blinkers in the bathroom