If you want to and can support me directly, please buy Inarora's Excursion directly from this link! 💙

A trope map for Inarora's Excursion. Tropes listed: "Chosen one for unwanted powers, no romo, hidden truth, disability rep, doting single father, queer rep, aroace nonbinary MC, and Gay Grandpas."

It's funny how some of my best ideas come out now that I'm down to the wire with releasing the book. Like, why couldn't I think of this months ago?? Oh well, at least the scenes are stellar and consistent with the tone of the first book! #newbook#bookrelease#fantasy#writerlife


Psst, only one week left until After Halastaesia hits the shelves 📖 Ben's return from a magical world should have been a homecoming, but instead he must confront the possibility that his heroic journey was no more than a


New book, new profile picture. That’s how that works, right? #writer#bookrelease 🌈📚 💙📚

Me! I’m a white person with glasses, long straight hair that’s slightly coloured red, green-grey eyes. I have a pretty high forehead and my eyebrows only go halfway. I’m wearing a bat ears and wings diadem, and have my vampire fangs in. I’m holding up my last book, Stake around and find out. The cover depicts lots of vampire themed patches, on a purple denim background. The title is in patches too, with bat wings on the side. There’s a coffin with an eye-plant, a crossbow with a garlic pierced by two arrows, a stake crossed with a skeleton key complete with skull, a hammer with a rosary, a staked heart, a tombstone with a crescent moon, and a paper drawing of a bat, kid style, with a heart and skull added.

🌿✨ Discover healing and love in the heart of the countryside! 📚💔 Join Claire Morris on her journey of self-discovery after tragedy strikes. Will a charming village and a new romance help her find herself again? 💖


I'm super excited to share that my new 3-book series, Little Computer Scientists, Little Hackers and a Guidebook to teach K-2 computer science releases in *just* over two weeks! Monday, 9/30/24 is the official date! They're available for pre-order now, anywhere you buy books! #bookrelease