Agree, existing CCS demonstrations are window dressing and BECCS is bollocks. But -- in principle at least -- if CCUS investment it's taxpayer-funded we can ensure it delivers a technology none of us want, but are going to need.


“The solutions below (in order of ease of implementation/ technological readiness) provide a clear pathway.” Order: Efficient Heat Management Electrification: Powering the Future Harnessing Environmental Heat Low carbon Fuels CCUS


Successive UK governments have wanted to do CCUS -- I'm not persuaded this is some Blairite conspiracy. And I suspect with just £20bn over 25 years I don't much fancy its chance of success. But just isn't something wealthy fossil-fuel dependent economies can afford to ignore.


There's been much criticism of the government's CCUS investment. It is fair to say it's economically unproven and directs money away from other things that could cut emissions faster like insulation -- or pay for other stuff like schools and prisons. But the science says we're gonna need it.


Some of the ‘S’ is using CO2 for enhanced oil recovery EOR. Though I’d refer to this as utilization thus CCUS. It does seem counterintuitive, but X barrels per day are going to be produced anyway, so at least you have sequestered a small amount. They would otherwise be using water.


I don't know. It depends whether we view obesity as the definitive problem or just one manifestation of it- we live in an environment that strongly encourages unhealthy lifestyles. So I see semaglutides as one weapon in our arsenal. (Same CCUS, EVs, AI all with downsides on the behaviours front).


Just terrible...Great British Industry will not be helped by dead end technologies! CCS has to prove itself but we already know CCUS is nonsense...pumping CO2 in to get more oil and gas out is not a climate solution.


DESCARBONIZAÇÃO| O governo federal aderiu à iniciativa de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono (CCUS) junto a mais 15 países. O objetivo é desenvolver e implantar CCUS pelo globo. A adesão impacta no combate às mudanças climáticas. 📸Polícia Federal