It really should be more seriously considered and discussed that at least 5 sitting S*COTUS judges think this would be not only legal, but absolutely unreviewable.


Naw, Heller was dead correct. A non-individual RKBA is no different than a country having a military, which is established elsewhere in COTUS and wouldn’t be necessary to enumerate. People can’t bear arms as a populace. Thats not how objects work. As written, that right is individual.


Expecting it to go all the way to "S"COTUS and by a 6-3 decision they say Dems somehow violated the Constitution and so can't put any candidates on ballots in any state. They'll make that decision as close to Halloween as possible to fuck over ballot printing, too


Which will last until "S"COTUS declares 6-3 that the law specifically empowering the President to do this does not give them the power to do this. And then they'll get "gratuities" from all the plastics companies that filed amicus briefs that were just "Hey, Thomas, wanna new beach house?"


Ken, I’m several days late, but no, you don’t. The COTUS doesn’t guarantee a lifetime appointment to a specific court. Each justice sits for 18 years and then goes to a circuit or district court at their same level of pay and benefits. No amendment needed


Im Ernst, all diese Leute sollen einfach ihr dummes Maul halten und ihre zehn Wichsgriffel benutzen um sich den ganzen Tag selbst zu befriedigen statt noch so ein nutzloses "alles cool"-Editorial rauszuhauen.

Court will very swiftly reject Trump immunity claim, ex-legal aide says
Judges, COTUS may not agree Constitution gives Trump immunity
Trump built the Supreme Court's conservative majority, but it doesn't always rule in his favor.
Trump's Immunity Claims Aren'T Likely To Let Him Escape Accountability

Among those of us who had law practices that intimately connected to the COTUS, it is fairly well known. That is why Obama saw fit to criticize it publicly and why Alito, as his tendency, objected so disgracefully. He knows; he just refuses to admit.


You could stop by your House Representative's local office and pick up X amount of copies of COTUS to hand out to your office coworkers (cough) in celebration of the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.


“There's none so blind as they that won't see.” -Jonathan Swift ... who had a nicer way of phrasing, "You're a dumbass." Nowhere in the text of COTUS is there any religion expressly named.


If they rule a POTUS has immunity when acting as POTUS “for the betterment of the country” and/or “protection of the COTUS” does that mean those who are making rulings against the COTUS can be exterminated? Asking for a couple SCOTUS justices… …THAT could work out REALLY REALLY bad for them.

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