cute photo of this noctuidae caterpillar as a peace offering (RIP my cabbages)


cabbages. Wow. Babbages, thanks autocorrect.


After Dark was an actual box you could buy at cabbages. I remember always being sad I couldn't buy it as a kid on windows.


Cabbages and Crime, 1945

Mystery never mystery cover with a skeleton reclining in a head of cabbage there seems to be an artist signature down at the bottom but I can't make it out

#cooking#青空ごはん部#おうちごはん#昼ごはん#チヂミ#lunch#Koreanpancakes First time to make Korean pancakes! liked colourfull vegetables, with sesame oil. 🟣cabbages 🟥pimento, peppar 🟢zucchini mixing w flower 70g, potato starch 30g water 150g so yummy! 初めて作ってみました、 紫キャベツ、 赤ピーマン、 緑ズッキーニを入れたら、 野菜入れ過ぎたみたい😂  美味しい😋


Today’s #MarketReport, better late than not (like last week😅) It was 72 in Seattle today and our market reflects the extended summer. Lots of peppers, tomatoes, corn, and massive winter squash. If roasting whole vegetables is your thing, there were big cauliflower and enormous lobster mushrooms 🦞

A lil basket labeled “Salsa kit” with tomatillos, jalapeños, serranos and garlic
A market stand with corn, pointy cabbages, a dressed up skeleton, and an assortment of colorful small and large winter squash
A small market stand of giant white and yellow cauliflower with winter squashes in the foreground
A shallow wooden bin with enormous bright orange lobster mushrooms, at least 8” across. A bin of chanterelles is behind it .

Beware, Adventurer ~ in many towns and villages, fornication with non-humans is considered a crime, carrying a punishment of public ridicule so that all will know of your perversity #fantasy#art

A man, stripped nude and with his leggings yanked down around his ankles, has been bound with rope to a wooden pillar. A kobold, equally nude, has been tied with her arms and legs wrapped around him, forcing them to remain in a position of erotic ardor. They kiss each other deeply as the kobold pumps her hips against him. The juices of their passion dribble down his inner thighs, collecting in puddles around his feet amidst rotten tomatoes and cabbages that have been hurled at them by the locals. A wooden sign stands next to them, reading "FORNICATOR WITH MONSTERS".

More food!?

Meat potato and onion stuffing
Bread stuffing with pine nuts, wild rice, raisins, apple, water chestnuts , onion and celery. And bacon
MLC 's miserable little cabbages aka brussel sprouts waiting for oven
Russian salad.

where does the fence board vanish to? where does the other fence board vanish into, did it kill the left horse? what is he sitting on? why does the horse vanish into the cabbages, horse legs are longer than that? why does the fence change from 3 wood boards to two wires?


No politics fighting today, the lords Good Morning, Sunday Morning. Today we talk of other things, of locally sourced cabbages and Liver Kings. Share greedily friends, content will set you free