I work at a big office complex campus just west of the city on Security Blvd. MY VIEWS ARE NOT THOSE OF MY EMPLOYER. I work on some reports and plans and stuff. It's cool but frequently boring. 2/


apparently, Marissa Mayer (idk wtf she is) doesn’t understand feminism, sexism, or (like many who ID as neurodivergent) what neurodiversity actually is and it’s not a surprise she’s a white woman (link:

I know you reject the label “feminist” for yourself. Has any of that changed with revelations of sexism at Google and the overturn of Roe, or the rise of a sex abuser as the Republican candidate for president?

I’m a very big supporter of the advancement of women, the importance of women role models—all of that really resonates. We‘re in the year or maybe the era of the girls, between Simone Biles and Taylor Swift and just all these incredible accomplishments. But to me, the militant part didn’t resonate.
Have you not faced sexism?

I was incredibly lucky. One or two offhand comments could have changed everything for me. I had this amazing teacher in high school, and he was just so supportive of how good I was at chemistry. If he had said once, “ 
 and that’s unusual for a girl.” [Trails off.] Does that make sense? Or if, when I was really advanced in math, someone had been like, “Wow. I didn’t expect that.” But nobody made those kinds of disqualifying statements. So I kind of just got to bump through not feeling like it was that unusual.
When did it dawn on you that, as a woman engineer, you were in a minority?

In junior or maybe senior year of college, I was reading this list of campus personalities in the Stanford Daily. I was thinking, “Oh, I know that one. I know that one.” And then I saw: “The woman in the upper division computer science classes.” I thought, “Hmm. I should know who that is. I’m in those classes!”

And the person was you.

It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that I was so much in the minority that someone would actually recognize me by gender. When I’m learning about something new, I am passionate about the details. Other things just fade away.
I’ve heard you describe yourself as a “geek” many times. Do you think there’s some neurodivergence in the geek identity?

No. I studied cognitive science, so I’ve done lots of tests on myself. Nothing spikes. I don’t think I’m particularly neurodivergent. I just really like details.

A gente jĂĄ tĂĄ se encaminhando pro fim de outubro e nenhum professor escroto do campus saĂșde deu uma prova que reprovou metade da turma pra diminuir a fila do ru?


I have a friend who works there (in the library even). I’d thought maybe a mutual but maybe not (I don’t know how to check) so I won’t tag them. I lived in San Diego for years but never saw that campus (I was at one of the other universities, whose library was EXTREMELY drab).


campus da UFPE & concha acĂșstica & palco kamikaze & line impecĂĄvel & feirinha na laje & estande da natura perfeição ✚


Had an inspiring day at #XAIB2024 at the Wellcome Genome Campus, exploring the transformative role of AI in human health and genomics. Would have loved to see more insights on how these approaches can also advance knowledge in plant biology.


Happily there is a better bookstore on campus that is stepping up, so my class can look forward to reading The Expendable Man after all! (Thanks,!)


Waiting on emails from the two staff members who remain on campus *🍂* Fall Break *🍂*