No, but gambling losses can catalyze that type of behavior. Nobody is quite certain of the exact motive for the deadliest mass shooting in US history, but the shooter had a gambling addiction and performed the shooting from a casino.


The hope is that an 🇮🇱🇨🇾 energy corridor would not only establish an additional export route and alleviate concerns by IOCs but could also catalyze development (think foreign investment, infrastructure upgrades, regional employment, and economic growth). 10/


when im doing bad, i start to believe i have mind powers. but when im doing less bad, it seems less convincing. but the difficulty in sustaining the belief in said mind powers feels like its own kind of doing poorly, and furthermore, a kind that cannot catalyze the belief in the mind powers. o well.


As Kristin notes, associations can also help catalyze groups of instructors across small and larger institutions to develop grant proposals that are more effective than what a single institution might be able to muster on their own.


Cool stuff, Mike. I need to figure out how to get a copy. But the title struck me, b/c it's close to a paper our team wrote, Prochaska et al: "Mobilizing manufactured reality: How participatory disinformation shaped deep stories to catalyze action during the 2020 US presidential election." (cont.)


That's why we've partnered with @cleanaircatf and @EFIFoundation to establish the Nuclear Scaling Initiative. This collaborative effort will work to address challenges and catalyze the responsible scaling of clean, safe, and secure nuclear power.


Currently, DAC technologies face high costs due to the energy required to regenerate CO2 from capture materials. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzymes, which naturally catalyze CO2 exchange, have the potential to reduce these costs by enabling faster CO2 absorption with less energy. (2/7)


Imagining four astronauts sent to an inhospitable alien world. They're shocked to find there's no provision for their survival or return. Turns out they're really there to catalyze terraforming with their gut biome and rotting corpses.