Next on using big data to understand children's language development. Both breath approaches - data from lots of kids and depth approaches - lots of data from fewer kids. Both approaches can help move theory forward. 3/

Title slide:

Breadth vs. Depth: Different lenses on what 'Big Data' can (and can't!)

tell us

Elika Bergelson, PhD

Psychology Department, Harvard University
Slide text:

How Big(ish) CogDev Data Can Help Move Theory Forward

• Breadth: generalizability checks for claims about basic cognitive mechanisms (and how we measure them)


- Skill A & B correlate within kids at time X

- Origins of these skills

• Do they unfold in a sequence?

• Explained by other skills?

• [years later]: are these links causal

Do I understand how hashtags work on this website yet? No I don't. TLDR: I am hiring for a researcher/community-focused role working on two open source projects in psychology! #openscience#opensci#metasci#psychscisky#cogsci#devsci#cogdev#opendata#psychjobs#neurojobs


Welcome to the FAU language and cognition lab. We are a team of postdocs and PhD students studying language, cognition and attainment in L1 and L2, led by Prof. Ewa Dąbrowska. Follow us for updates regarding our research! #AcademicSky#CogSci#devpsyc#CogDev