My job used to require multiple conversations with jobs counselors daily. At one point I was told that driver of some kind was the number one job in 29 states. Automation has staggering implications. What do you do when, say, 10% of the population is not unemployed but *unemployable*? 20%?


I have a friend who studies Buddhism and we have good conversations about how much pain demanding all experience comform to narrative causes. But it's very hard to learn the skill of consciously refusing to construct them when they are unnecessary. Especially with respect to human interactions.


It would be great if people would stop having speaker phone conversations in public. My good bitch, I do not care about whatever you're speaking about and it's just annoying me at this point.


this was the subject of so many conversations I had when I was in bosnia last month...


Not at all. These conversations will keep going indefinitely. There will always be tech advocates who want the rules to be relaxed and the nature of the tech will change. Have schools all got policies on smart watches? I doubt it, but they'll need to in the future.


I remember the large comfortable sofa, where my grandmother, wrapped a warm blanket, read me fairy tales in the evening. I remember two large leather armchairs, which were traditionally used only for important conversations. 4/8


only posting 2 images because alt text was too long the final post in this thread has an arrow labeled "2" in green going to the thread labeled "2" (in blue) from the origin post

screenshot of the thread labeled "1" in green from the thought map diagram
contents of the thread:
the thing about my rabbi wanting to discuss shit w/ me in person is that honestly, and this is a highly personal, individual view, i think that's ableist in a way
and it's not *his* fault he isn't aware that an in-person conversation is not a good fit for me and i am willing to educate him on this
and i can absolutely understand that to some people, a conversation that is over text is ableist against them! it is entirely possible that we have needs that require different, sometimes competing accommodations! what we should do is work to find something that works for each unique situation
so yeah ultimately the thing is that for me, an autistic person with social anxiety and adhd, i struggle to have in-person conversations because i feel the need and urgency and pressure to respond in real-time and can't organize my thoughts the way i would like
so yeah ultimately the thing is that for me, an autistic person with social anxiety and adhd, i struggle to have in-person conversations because i feel the need and urgency and pressure to respond in real-time and can't organize my thoughts the way i would like
i can understand that for him, talking over text is a form of communication where maybe he can't read tone, struggles to empathize, idk what his exact issues are. i certainly can ask and try to accommodate. i don't want him at a disadvantage for this kind of discussion. however, the same goes for me
an in-person talk will put me at a severe disadvantage where i won't be able to say what i want. i will need to prepare by writing down these things i want to say, and then i will have to be able to look through these things to respond, and i cannot account for everything in advance!
(alt text too long, cont in next image)
continued alt text
can i respond to his invitation to discuss in person with my reasoning for *not* wanting to discuss in person? yeah definitely. but i also struggle with the desire to be neurotypical and not have to ask for an accommodation, as well as the dilemma of "what if this is his accommodation i am denying"
obviously if i don't say anything we won't get anywhere. but i also feel like we're not gonna get anywhere with this discussion anyway so i don't think it's worth opening a new can of worms. it would be nice to clear everything up but i wish in-person was not default when we have technology.

TBF, I think this is the strike affecting post-production. They desperately needed a bit more screen time and to shoot a few key conversations to make sense of those last two episodes. And also probably re-shoots on several sequences.


…and they can have whole conversations with their classmates. It's a genuinely good thing from technology! It lets kids make friends!


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