my parents barely paid for my tuition, books, and rent. even that was hard for them. i didn't have much fun during college, i was mostly doing coursework or working a job to have some meager spending money.


Harvard has their cs101 course just... available for free. including coursework. I got as far as making the game, asteroids.


Hi. No I cannot think about my last term of coursework. Please recall that email.


My most radical “science reform” idea is that we should scrape 85% of undergrad/early-grad applied stats and methods coursework and replace it with long strong methodological reading comprehension. We should almost exclusively train students to consume, not produce, science.


I know I don't post much of my own stuff but I'll be on hiatus for a little bit to correct how I handle my college coursework and studying. I wish y'all the best and hope I can come back soon.


When I was in "teachers' college" some of coursework required me to read Kozol's books at different times. I even met him once. I left public school teaching years ago, but even back then, yea, the educational apartheid was there, and it's still here (and looks like it will not go anywhere). sigh


I have a minor in Political Economy and I have no idea either (I just know I didn't have enough economics coursework to minor in "economics.")


Perhaps it’s time my time to reignite my bluesky. I’ve survived my comprehensives with a new 21 minute piece for Ty Bouque and percussion composed in 72 hours + my rep exam. Settling into my TAing and German coursework with 5 more pieces coming this academic cycle.


The same is true of AP exams. No school can teach all possible sources from which an AP exam will draw, but--more importantly--those tests are rated by external experts using criteria established by the College Board (not the students' teachers). Again--a big difference. 4/x

Image of text: Discrepancies also exist when comparing student grades and scores from a wide variety of tests explicitly aligned to K-12 coursework, from state standardized exams to Advanced Placement tests. Students’ grades aren’t always higher than their exam scores. Sometimes they’re lower, said Joe Feldman, CEO of Crescendo Education Group, which works with schools and districts on grading practices.