Heya, I’m Bear, an incredibly tired crytpid (fuck me, I want a nap), a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. And here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹😆

A young squire, with a focused expression and magic stone legs that glow blue through spiralling engravings, is crossing a fast running stream in a brown grassy plain surrounded by mountains. His pants are rolled up past his knees and he is holding his shoes. He is followed by a centaur companion that is looking away from the viewer towards a far off flock of birds in the distant landscape, which is blanketed by an overcast sky and a thin rain.
Though a rain splattered windscreen a terrible woman is stands in a dark, vast, near empty parking lot. From the waist up she is in shadow and below that she is illuminated in the headlights. She has pallid skin, an untamed mane of black hair whipping in the wind and wears a black knee length coat, a pair of dark shades and black knee high boots. Her stance is causal and patient, breathing a cloud of vapour while one hand sits in her pocket.
A pair of windscreen wipers pulse across the visage of her. 
She is looking directly into the car at the young man in the back seat who is reflected in the review mirror.
He is wearing a pink hoodie and see’s his miserable fate in her. The top half of his face is in shadow, while the bottom half of his face is lit with the warmth of street lights that cast the shadows of rain drops onto his cheek and nose.
He is defiant, but he is also scared.
The sun breaks through a forest of silver birch trees in their autumn foliage and over a misty blue stream being crossed by two centaurs. They’re breathing a warmly lit fog into the cool air and the ripples left by their hooves are the only disturbance on the water that floats a few gold and orange leaves on its surface. The first centaur is pale grey with long black hair, well below their hip and covering their eyes. They wear a garland of mushrooms of a species that can rightly be surmise by the easy manner of the centaur, with their arms folded behind their head in a lazy stretch as they stare into the canopy rather than where they are going. The following centaur looks used to this. He is bay brown, and contently following with his arms to his sides.
On a wet road in a dim foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.

Here's the schedule for the first week of Spooky Month! - Crytpid Crypt is a new segment where I'll take a look at supernatural folklore beings and their history! The first one up is none other than the Mothman and the other mysterious beings that are related to it like Indrid Cold!


500! Woo! Let’s go! 🎉🎉🎉 And thank u for the art share I’m Bear, a crytpid busy hiding things in trees, a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹 In the mood to share sketches today 👹😆

The Oak & Holly King r the gods of the long & short days, who annually kill each other for their half of the reign. Currently, they’r not killing each other, it’s too early. They’r instead strolling & watching the harvest come in; with Holly, the god of the dark days, looking with stoic interest to his right. He’s depicted here as slender, with sharp angular features, narrow antler that resembles a tree in the winter without its leaves & long hair tied back & whipping a the breeze. His garments r of a dark academia fashion. The Oak king has a much boarder frame, with wide antler, a barrel chest, long braided hair, a short beard, the ears of a stag & an ample belly, however not as ample as it once was. Holly’s growing power does dwindle him, but his attitude will not betrayed the fact, he will not give Holly the satisfaction. So he is mischievous in his countenance, wearing an open shirt & whispering some off hand gossip to Holly as he too watches the goings on to their right.
A sketch of a griffin, standing with their wings open in the warm glow of the sun and looking down from some high up geography.
A sketch of a cunning, sinister looking woman, with a mane of wild black hair, & black & grey tattoos, from the neck down, in a style similar to 80’s punk rock and classic rock album art. Among the more note worthy tattoos r:
An illustration of her ribs over her ribs, off the bottom of which hang some headphones and a cassette player.
A fighting cockatrice on her belly.
A illustration of her heart over her heart that is being bit into with the words ‘Îti iei inima în dinti’ scribed onto her ribs above it.
The words ‘All the better to smell you with’ across her collarbone (she has a very distinct roman nose).
& a merman masturbating on her bicep.
She’s wearing only a pair of jeans, a pair of dark shades & a pair of leather wrist guards. One hand is in her pocket, the other is drinking a coffee to go with the words ‘Good Fucking Morning’ on it. She’s grinning darkly at the viewer with huge canine teeth before she takes a sip. Across the middle of the picture is her name. Sloan.
A sketch of two unicorns fencing, the first one has reared up on its hind legs and made a swing for its opponent, who has successfully turned and matched the blow. Foreheads locked, the second unicorn screams and shifts its weight to combat the force of the first on its hind legs. Wide eyed with crossed horns, neither beast shows any sign of letting up.

Congratulations on 2k! And Thank you so much for hosting 😆 I’m Bear, a currently sleepy crytpid (the villagers can rest easy tonight), a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹

A painting with a nostalgic feeling of two young men, in the rain at dusk, walking down a street with their backs to the viewer. 
Above them the clouds are purple and fringed with the orange light of a setting sun, and power lines cross above the street between the suburban house. The shorter young man is offering the other some chips. They are both soaking wet and don’t seem to care.
A painting looking down on a centaur and a squire, laying on their back in the long grass and talking. It is the darker hour of the dawn. The centaur, Rowan, is listening, appearing content, with his arms folded behind his head, quietly interested in whatever the young squire, named Arley, is getting off his chest. Arley has taken his shoes off, exposing his magic stone feet, which cross over each other in a manner mirrored by his hands that are also crossed on top of each other and rested on his chest.
A humorous illustration of the trio from ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’, is which Sloan, shifted into a huge horse sized werewolf, reminiscent of a black wolf hound cross borzoi, lays the front half of her body over her two henchmen, thus trapping them. 
Theo is enraged by this. He is a young man in a pink shirt with gold dreadlocks, who is laying on his back and trying to bench press one of Sloan muscular forearms off him. Not only is this not working, despite his teeth gritting effort, but according to Sloan’s gaze, which is directed elsewhere, and her causal smile, she doesn’t seem to be at all hindered by him.
Miles is next to Theo. He has long dark hair, a patterned aqua green grandpa sweater and a side eyes smirk directed at Theo. Miles is unbothered by Sloan lying on him, given his body language. He is both used to Sloan and amused by Theo’s rebellion to all authority.
2 gods, The Holly King and The Oak King, twisted around each other, back to back, as they stab both themselves and their opposite through their own chests and on into the back of the other with long swords decorated in a fashion to suit their own symbolism.
The Oak King is in a warm palette, with a torc around his neck and bands of decorative leather and gold around his wrists and huge biceps. His hair is long and red, flowing around him under a pair of huge antlers and a coronet of gold oak leaves. The Holly King is in a dark, desaturated, cold palette , with a dark pelt over his shoulders and a silver chain and broaches holding his midnight blue cloak in place. His hair is long & black, his antlers r narrow & sharp. His coronet is made of silver holly leaves.
The Oak King is laughing and the Holly King’s lips are parted but he look composed despite the both of them holding the bloody sword tips that are spearing out of their chests.

Am I an unengaged and inattentive lover? No, the clitoris is a crytpid that has never been seen and probably does not exist!


Thank you so much for hosting 😆 I’m Bear, a very confused crytpid, a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹

On a wet road in a foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.
A young squire, with a focused expression and magic stone legs that glow blue through spiralling engravings, is crossing a fast running stream in a brown grassy plain surrounded by mountains. His pants are rolled up past his knees and he is holding his shoes. He is followed by a centaur companion that is looking away from the viewer towards a far off flock of birds in the distant landscape, which is blanketed by an overcast sky and a thin rain.
A painting looking down on a centaur and a squire, laying on their back in the long grass and talking. It is the darker hour of the dawn. The centaur, Rowan, is listening, appearing content, with his arms folded behind his head, quietly interested in whatever the young squire, named Arley, is getting off his chest. Arley has taken his shoes off, exposing his magic stone feet, which cross over each other in a manner mirrored by his hands that are also crossed on top of each other and rested on his chest.
2 gods, The Holly King and The Oak King, twisted around each other, back to back, as they stab both themselves and their opposite through their own chests and on into the back of the other with long swords decorated in a fashion to suit their own symbolism.
The Oak King is in a warm palette, with a torc around his neck and bands of decorative leather and gold around his wrists and huge biceps. His hair is long and red, flowing around him under a pair of huge antlers and a coronet of gold oak leaves. The Holly King is in a dark, desaturated, cold palette , with a dark pelt over his shoulders and a silver chain and broaches holding his midnight blue cloak in place. His hair is long & black, his antlers r narrow & sharp. His coronet is made of silver holly leaves.
The Oak King is laughing and the Holly King’s lips are parted but he look composed despite the both of them holding the bloody sword tips that are spearing out of their chests.

Thank you so much for the art share 😆 I’m Bear, a crytpid that can’t draw for shit today, a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 😆👹

A painting with a nostalgic feeling of two young men, in the rain at dusk, walking down a street with their backs to the viewer. 
Above them the clouds are purple and fringed with the orange light of a setting sun, and power lines cross above the street between the suburban house. The shorter young man is offering the other some chips. They are both soaking wet and don’t seem to care.
A painting of an unsettling grey speckled centaur. They have long lank dark hair covering their eyes and draping down their gaunt body. Their smile is like a cheshire cat and around their neck they have a garland of the sort of dried brown mushrooms you would expect. They have more of those mushrooms pinched between the long thin fingers of their dark hands, that look purple in this light. Around them and growing out of them is a field guides worth of colourful mushrooms. It is almost a trip to look upon and certainly definitely be a trip to engage with.
The sun breaks through a forest of silver birch trees in their autumn foliage and over a misty blue stream being crossed by two centaurs. They’re breathing a warmly lit fog into the cool air and the ripples left by their hooves are the only disturbance on the water that floats a few gold and orange leaves on its surface. The first centaur is pale grey with long black hair, well below their hip and covering their eyes. They wear a garland of mushrooms of a species that can rightly be surmise by the easy manner of the centaur, with their arms folded behind their head in a lazy stretch as they stare into the canopy rather than where they are going. The following centaur looks used to this. He is bay brown, and contently following with his arms to his sides.
Though a rain splattered windscreen a terrible woman is stands in a dark, vast, near empty parking lot. From the waist up she is in shadow and below that she is illuminated in the headlights. She has pallid skin, an untamed mane of black hair whipping in the wind and wears a black knee length coat, a pair of dark shades and black knee high boots. Her stance is causal and patient, breathing a cloud of vapour while one hand sits in her pocket.
A pair of windscreen wipers pulse across the visage of her. 
She is looking directly into the car at the young man in the back seat who is reflected in the review mirror.
He is wearing a pink hoodie and see’s his miserable fate in her. The top half of his face is in shadow, while the bottom half of his face is lit with the warmth of street lights that cast the shadows of rain drops onto his cheek and nose.
He is defiant, but he is also scared.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉🎉 and congratulations on 1k followers 😆 Thank you so much for hosting. I’m Bear, a tired crytpid, a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹

This painting has a heavy metal vibe. At a low angle in a dark plain surrounded by far off mountains, under a nebulous night sky, we look up at a huge centaur. He is rearing back on a muscular black equine body that blends to a pale grey human body which has twisted spikes piercing out of it. These spikes grow sparsely on his chest, then thickly on his shoulders, getting thicker & wider as they grow higher till they crown his head between his long black hair, as 2 pairs of thorny horns, 1 set of which is nearly as wide as his head & stand like 2 crescent moon on either side of it. His expression is critical & made harder by a open scar that has lost him his eye & tears deeply enough in his cheek to expose his teeth behind his facial hair. Said facial hair takes the form of a beard that is braided into 3 pieces ending in metal beads. The last feature of this character r his shackles, on his legs & arms. Only his wrists have a long thick chain though, which he grips like a weapon.
On a wet road in a foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.
A young squire, with a focused expression and magic stone legs that glow blue through spiralling engravings, is crossing a fast running stream in a brown grassy plain surrounded by mountains. His pants are rolled up past his knees and he is holding his shoes. He is followed by a centaur companion that is looking away from the viewer towards a far off flock of birds in the distant landscape, which is blanketed by an overcast sky and a thin rain.
Humorous painting seen in the reflection of a puddle from the point of view of a young man named Theo, who is being wrenched from said puddle, by the legs, into the air by a grey giant wearing a fluoro safety vest. A sandal has flung from one of the Theo feet and his pink hoodie and grey shirt have fallen towards his shoulders, exposing his midriff. His fingers drag through the silvery water of the puddle as he desperately tries to keep himself on the ground.

Congratulations on 1.2k followers 🎉🎉🎉 And thank you for hosting 😆 I’m Bear, a crytpid eating apple crumble, a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹

A young squire, with a focused expression and magic stone legs that glow blue through spiralling engravings, is crossing a fast running stream in a brown grassy plain surrounded by mountains. His pants are rolled up past his knees and he is holding his shoes. He is followed by a centaur companion that is looking away from the viewer towards a far off flock of birds in the distant landscape, which is blanketed by an overcast sky and a thin rain.
The sun breaks through a forest of silver birch trees in their autumn foliage and over a misty blue stream being crossed by two centaurs. They’re breathing a warmly lit fog into the cool air and the ripples left by their hooves are the only disturbance on the water that floats a few gold and orange leaves on its surface. The first centaur is pale grey with long black hair, well below their hip and covering their eyes. They wear a garland of mushrooms of a species that can rightly be surmise by the easy manner of the centaur, with their arms folded behind their head in a lazy stretch as they stare into the canopy rather than where they are going. The following centaur looks used to this. He is bay brown, and contently following with his arms to his sides.
Though a rain splattered windscreen a terrible woman is stands in a dark, vast, near empty parking lot. From the waist up she is in shadow and below that she is illuminated in the headlights. She has pallid skin, an untamed mane of black hair whipping in the wind and wears a black knee length coat, a pair of dark shades and black knee high boots. Her stance is causal and patient, breathing a cloud of vapour while one hand sits in her pocket.
A pair of windscreen wipers pulse across the visage of her. 
She is looking directly into the car at the young man in the back seat who is reflected in the review mirror.
He is wearing a pink hoodie and see’s his miserable fate in her. The top half of his face is in shadow, while the bottom half of his face is lit with the warmth of street lights that cast the shadows of rain drops onto his cheek and nose.
He is defiant, but he is also scared.
On a wet road in a foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.

Congratulations on 1.1k! 🎉 So Fucken Proud Of You! And thank you for the art share 😆. I’m Bear, a crytpid that just woke up, a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. Here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹

A painting with a nostalgic feeling of two young men, in the rain at dusk, walking down a street with their backs to the viewer. 
Above them the clouds are purple and fringed with the orange light of a setting sun, and power lines cross above the street between the suburban house. The shorter young man is offering the other some chips. They are both soaking wet and don’t seem to care.
A painting looking down on a centaur and a squire, laying on their back in the long grass and talking. It is the darker hour of the dawn. The centaur, Rowan, is listening, appearing content, with his arms folded behind his head, quietly interested in whatever the young squire, named Arley, is getting off his chest. Arley has taken his shoes off, exposing his magic stone feet, which cross over each other in a manner mirrored by his hands that are also crossed on top of each other and rested on his chest.
The sun breaks through a forest of silver birch trees in their autumn foliage and over a misty blue stream being crossed by two centaurs. They’re breathing a warmly lit fog into the cool air and the ripples left by their hooves are the only disturbance on the water that floats a few gold and orange leaves on its surface. The first centaur is pale grey with long black hair, well below their hip and covering their eyes. They wear a garland of mushrooms of a species that can rightly be surmise by the easy manner of the centaur, with their arms folded behind their head in a lazy stretch as they stare into the canopy rather than where they are going. The following centaur looks used to this. He is bay brown, and contently following with his arms to his sides.
On a wet road in a foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.