UK Lords push bill to tame rogue algorithms in public sector -ish

Under Lord Clement-Jones' proposals, if an automated decision affects social security benefits, immigration, or similar, a citizen would have a right to access the information on why the decision was made so that they could challenge it. The proposed bill says public authorities should publish impact assessments of any automated or AI algorithms they use to make decisions, and to keep a transparency register on automated decision making. It also obliges the government to provide an independent dispute resolution service for people who want to challenge any decisions made about them.

Ministerial portfolios have been announced by the UK's Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, including Chris Bryant as Minister of State for Data Protection (!) and Telecoms


The King's Speech: 40 policy bills, a gaping AI hole and a boomerang data bill

The gaping hole: The AI Bill

In a dramatic turn of events, a much hyped specific "AI Bill" was missing from the 40 policy bills set out in the briefing notes. This was particularly surprising given that the King's Speech itself referred to the Government seeking to "harness the power of artificial intelligence as we look to strengthen safety frameworks", as well as "establish the appropriate legislation to place requirements on those working to develop the most powerful artificial intelligence models".


Alternatively, the references in the King's Speech might, instead, allude to placing the existing AI Safety Institute on a statutory footing. Either way, it sounds like we will be kept guessing a little longer around the UK's approach to regulating AI. However, the current lack of detail risks fostering uncertainty, reducing confidence, and deterring investment in the UK market.
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology graphic:
Highly targeted AI legislation proposed
To ensure the most powerfull AI models are developed safely