Everybody who looks this way/is from here/ has this religion MUST be a bad guy! They're ALL evil! They ALL want to destroy us! Sound familiar? This dehumanization of people and reducing them to a violent stereotype worked for decades to vilify Palestinians. Don't turn around & do the same thing.


You will find nowhere where I have ever argued that Jill Stein is worth anyone's vote. But people like you badly need to ask yourselves how complete and total the ongoing dehumanization of Palestinian-Americans by our two major parties *and their supporters* must be for them to consider her.


eventually they will come to cash in on what was promised to them and find that the check bounces and that all of this "acceptance" they've become comfortable with was in fact highly conditional on their own dehumanization


yes, go ahead and block me, glass-bones. it's totally fine to derail a conversation about our dehumanization to defend porn from a criticism that wasn't even being made. that's normal yea


I really hope this is included in the ICJ mountain of evidence of dehumanization on a systemic & systematic level This is so fucked This dehumanization is policy Like, yes, we all know that this is the case But, what the fuck will it take for US politicians to change course? A Fox News report?


I have not yet finished reading the article, but I had to come back here to say holy fucking shit! They are referring to the *people* they are using as human shields as insects!!! “Wasps” and “mosquitoes” I have no question that that genocidal dehumanization will not register with some readers!


The Lucifer effect shows how dehumanization can drive ordinary people to commit unspeakable acts. It’s a stark reminder of the darkness within unchecked power.


I'll go one further: Once one dips into transphobia - or, really, any type of dehumanization - it can be arguably concluded that they are no longer part of the Left. Once someone makes an exception from humanity for one person or group, they can make that exception for *anyone*


It's so deeply rotten The more you know the more painful it is The lack of humanity when you get a pass to do as you please, the celebration, the justification, the lies and dehumanization