Alan dershowitz is a widely published lawyer, does that make him credible, or Dr Jordan Peterson for that matter


Bad enough coming from anyone, but coming from Alan Dershowitz...


I saw Ted Cruz say, after he reneged on a deal he struck for the Federalist Society with the Student Government: “So I lied. What are you going to do about it?” That was not a Top 5 worst Ted Cruz moment in law school. In private, Prof. Dershowitz called Cruz the “biggest asshole” he ever met.


#52 The Entity (1982) - It's Poltergeist or Amityville if the ghost wants to do one thing: fuck. Barbara Hershey has a bad time with the ghost and there are at least 3 explicit (not sexy) invisible sex scenes. Paranormal experts and doctors don't help her, but she can count on her friend.

Barbara Hershey's son in this seems to be like 5 years younger than her and at one point Ron Silver suggests she's getting all worked up because her son is a hunk and so is imagining ghosts.
Seriously Ron Silver is the worst. He's playing the worst character here I've seen since he played Alan Dershowitz as a hero in Reversal of Fortune.
Cindy is literally the only character who looks out for her. Letting her whole family come over to the house, standing up for her when shit trashed by the ghost, and helping her move and giving her money no strings attached.
The ghost attacks in this are pretty brutal. Get ready to see a lot of invisible hands squeezing fake boob prosthetics. Also the ghost speaks exactly one time and it is...uh.... a memorable line.

Just the sort of take we should expect from Alan "Epstein's lawyer" Dershowitz


1. This is a bonkers movie (De Palma, natch) 2. Dershowitz threatened to sue but didn’t 3. People laughed and cheered in the theatre when I saw it.


Alan Dershowitz helped Epstein rape teenage girls & obviously participated. This is who the Zionists now use to spread their fascist propaganda:


> By Alan Dershowitz HARD PASS


New York Post headline: Just how many of Gaza's civilians are entirely "innocent", on an article by Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Stein
Angry hissing goose Meme, asking "Innocent of what, motherfucker?"