🇩🇪 Ein einziges Lernmittel ist nie genug. 🇩🇪 Ob deutsche Podcasts, Spiele oder eine App… 🇩🇪 Dein Gehirn braucht Abwechslung, um die Sprachmuster zu finden, die es braucht, um die Sprache zu beherrschen. 🇩🇪 Das beste Werkzeug ist die Kombination aller Werkzeuge! #langsky#deutsch#deutschlernen

A man and woman sitting on a couch learning German. The man is using an app to learn while the woman is using a book and a laptop. The following text is superimposed on the image: “No single learning tool is ever enough, whether…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
A man playing a game on his computer in German. The computer screen shows a castle scene. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Whether it’s German podcasts, games or an app…”
A brain with varying symbols on it representing podcasts, songs, TV, German, games and teachers. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Your brain needs variety to have a better chance of finding the language patterns it needs to master the language. The best tool is…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
A man sitting in front of a computer learning German using an app, books and videos at the same time. The following text is superimposed on the image: “The best tool is all the tools combined!” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.

Heribert Prantl hat so recht! 👇

Die aktuelle Debatte ist eine völlig undifferenzierte, eine rohe Debatte, eine Debatte ohne Zwischentöne, eine Debatte ohne Herz und Verstand. Obwohl die Flüchtlingszahlen nicht steigen, sondern sinken, wird von einem Notstand geredet. Der Notstand besteht nicht in der Zahl der Flüchtlinge, er besteht in der Art und Weise, wie darüber geredet wird. Der Notstand besteht darin, wie im Bundeshaushalt die Mittel für die Förderung von Integrationskursen gekürzt werden. Integrationsarbeit ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zu Sicherheit! Man darf sich nicht einschüchtern lassen von denen, die Gift und Galle spritzen; nicht von denen, die nicht die Zivilgesellschaft, sondern die Unzivilgesellschaft repräsentieren. Es gibt hierzulande auch Zigtausende von Menschen, die immer noch und trotz alledem den Flüchtlingen helfen - beim Deutschlernen, beim Umgang mit den Behörden, beim Fußfassen in diesem Land. Von ihnen soll sich die Politik beeindrucken lassen. Sie handeln nach der Regel: Handeln wir so, wie

Das Wissen, das ich bisher beim Deutschlernen gesammelt habe, hilft mir beim Dänischlernen.


🇩🇪 Die Katze und die Maus entschieden, dass sie auch zusammen arbeiten wollen 🇬🇧 The cat and the mouse decided that they also wanted to work together 🇩🇪 entschieden ➡️ entscheiden: decide 📺 Watch it in the context of the story 👇

A cat and a mouse looking at each other under the snow. On the bottom left, there is a German flag, and the words next to it: learn German stories.

🇩🇪 Der Ball fiel auf den Boden und rollte in den Brunnen 🇬🇧 The ball fell to the ground and rolled into the well 🇩🇪 fiel ➡️ fallen: to fall 🇩🇪 rollte ➡️ rollen: to roll 🇩🇪 der Brunnen: fountain, well 📺 Watch it in the context of the story 👇

The Frog Prince (Der Froschkönig) | German Story with Real-Time Translations in Subtitles
The Frog Prince (Der Froschkönig) | German Story with Real-Time Translations in Subtitles

YouTube video by Learn German Games


🇩🇪 Lieder sind großartig, um neue Wörter zu lernen, aber… 🇩🇪 Man sollte sich nicht zu sehr auf Lieder verlassen, 🇩🇪 denn Lieder enthalten meist poetische Texte, die im wirklichen Leben selten verwendet werden. 🇩🇪 Besser ist es, Interviews und Podcasts zu hören. #langsky#deutsch#deutschlernen

A guy with a headset listening to a song to learn German on his phone. A blackboard is behind him with the words “Learn German” written on it on the top and a lot of musical notes under that. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Songs are great to learn new words, but…” On the top left is the Learn German Games logo.
A view from the top of someone sitting on the floor with too many German song vinyl records scattered around them. A record player is in their lap. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Don’t rely on songs too much, because…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
A sketch of a young person sitting on the floor while listening to a song, with hearts above their head as if in love. A thinking bubble shows musical notes and a hear, implying that the person is listening to a romantic German song. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Because songs tend to use poetic lyrics that are rarely used in real-life. It’s better to…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
Someone sitting on the couch watching to an interview in German on TV while watching the same interview on an iPad in their hand. Two people facing each other on TV are shown with speech bubbles and German text, implying an interview. The following text is superimposed on the image: “It’s better to listen to interviews & podcasts.” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.

🇩🇪 Nicht alles zu verstehen ist in Ordnung. 🇩🇪 verstehen: understand 🇩🇪 die Ordnung: order feminine cause it ends with -ung 🇩🇪 Solange du etwas verstehst, bist du bereits auf dem Weg zum Lernen. 🇩🇪 solange: as long as 🇩🇪 der Weg: way #langsky#deutsch#deutschlernen

A man reading a book, looking up, scratching his head confused with a lot of question marks, open books and papers floating above his head. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Not understanding everything is OK. As long as…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
A young man sitting on a bench with an open book in his left hand and his right hand on his chin, thinking about something. He is in a park with orange tree leaves behind him. The following text is superimposed on the image: “As long as you're understanding something, you're already on your way to learning.” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.

🇩🇪 Wir vergessen mehr als die Hälfte des Gelernten am nächsten Tag… 🇩🇪 Es sei denn, wir wiederholen das Gelernte ein paar Stunden später…. 🇩🇪 Deshalb ist eine rechtzeitige Wiederholung so wichtig, auch wenn sie nur kurz ist. 🇩🇪 es sei denn: 🇬🇧 unless #langsky#deutsch#deutschlernen

A woman looking anxious because she forgot half of what she learned. The left part of the image is desaturated to make that point obvious. The following text is superimposed on the image: “We forget more than half of what we learn the next day, unless…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
Someone reviewing German words on a laptop with flashcards scattered around the table. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Unless we review what we’ve learned a few hours later. That’s why…” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
A young man look at his watch while reviewing words on his phone. The following text is superimposed on the image: “That’s why a timely review is so important, even a quick one.” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.

🇩🇪 Die Gedanken schweifen zu lassen, ist für das Lernen ebenso wichtig wie die Konzentration beim Aufnehmen von Informationen 🇩🇪 Dein Gehirn braucht seine Auszeit, um Muster zu finden 🇩🇪 schweifen: wander 🇩🇪 ebenso: just as 🇩🇪 die Auszeit: timeout 🇩🇪 das Muster: pattern #langtwt#deutsch#deutschlernen

A young woman is sitting on a bench in a park letting their mind wander. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Letting your mind wander is just as important for learning as focusing while absorbing information.” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.
An image of the brain finding patterns in the German language while the person’s mind is wandering while taking a walk. The following text is superimposed on the image: “Your brain needs its time-off to find patterns.” On the top right is the Learn German Games logo.

🇩🇪 Immer viel mehr zuhören als lesen… 🇬🇧 Always listen a lot more than read… 🇩🇪 Das Lesen ist nur eine Erinnerung an das, was du bereits gehört hast. 🇬🇧 Reading is just a reminder of what you’ve already heard. #langsky#deutsch#deutschlernen