18/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort anthony joseph BREATH

When I hear my father dead,  I flew ten hours into the sun.  Next morning, I put black on.  Waistcoat, white shirt, soft pants,  the new brown half-brogues.  
The deep brakes of the rental car  were unsuitable for islands  Every time I fall asleep I driving off the road,  And when that casket was flung open in the chapel  I was not prepared for what I saw.  
Outside, the sun continued lancing the galvanise,  and the San Juan River to run towards the south  There was no wind, no breath in that hot time,  besides the warm air above my father's mouth.

15/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort Ologoudou's VESPERS


aaiiiiyye, yall thought i was slippin, hunh? — but i aint forgot... my #DaysLate#DollarsShort##SealeyChallenge is finna recommence, quick-fast & in a hurry... or... or is it just "quick, fast, & in a hurry"?!? we always said it as "quick-fast" but, either way... WHATEV! poems 16-30 comin up.


11/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort#SealeyChallenge constance merritt CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE

Civil Disobedience  

At the Intersection of Independence Avenue  and Capitol Plaza Southeast
The first time I got arrested  I felt free and powerful  like one bad-azzed  traffic officer disobeyer  
especially as I stood there  hands cuffed behind my back  trying to chat up the young black cop  who couldn't risk telling me his name  though I was friendly and asked 3 times  and wouldn't let go of my arm  as  if  he thought I had some place to go,  as ifI hadn't set the scene in motion,  hadn't left him no choice,  forced him to arrest me.  
And they could take away  my belt, my shoelaces,  my diamond earring,  and keep me bound  one wrist to the wall  cold and by myself for hours  
but what has any of that  to do with freedom?

10/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort marianne worthington ON SEEING A LETTER PATSY CLINE WROTE TO NUDIE THE TAILOR i'll be back this afternoon with 10 more, then finish with another 10 tonight...

On Seeing a Letter Patsy Cline Wrote  to Nudie the Tailor  
Her handwriting sways like a song  in dull pencil on dime store tablet paper.  The rodeo tailor's name is misspelled  
but other details are exact: her bust  measurements, her waist, her hips.  A real woman's shape will swing  
toward the microphone, in the silver  cape lined in red satin she's asking  the tailor to make. Yearning and ache  
will glitter her voice as a flash  comes. She remembers the red  cowgirl suit sewn by her mother,  
wagon wheels and rhinestones burden  the hem. The tailor receives her letter  as the wreckage smolders nose-first  
in the murky woods. How long will it take you?  she asks the tailor. Forever we search  for the spangle and sequin  
Forever we follow her calligraphed tones.

7/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort kamilah aisha moon MERCY BEACH

Stony trails of jagged beauty rise  like stretch marks streaking sand-hips  All the Earth has borne beguiles us  & battered bodies build our acres.  
Babes that sleep in hewn rock cradles  learn to bear the hardness coming,  Tough grace forged in tender bones-  may this serve & bless them well.  
They grow & break grief into islands  of sun-baked stone submerged in salt  kisses, worn down by the ocean's ardor  relentless as any strong loving.  
May they find caresses that abolish pain.  Like Earth, they brandish wounds of gold!

4/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort mina loy O HELL

0 HELL  
To clear the drifts of spring  Of our forebears' excrements  And bury the subconscious archives  Under unaffected flowers  
Indeed-  Our person is a covered entrance to infinity  Choked with the tatters of tradition  
Goddesses and Young Gods  Caress the sanctity of Adolescence  In the shaft to the sun

3/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort Nikky Finney ASSAM


Old Black woman heavyweight  body conscious now  after years of swinging wide  chocolate wings below her waist  wedged now into the surf for good  her treasures sunk  in the sane of selfconsciousness  
From here she watches more  than moves these days  I walk by noticing  how things still pull to her  how even the uncalled water  comes calling knocking softly  bubbling about  her flat out thighs  the wet salt  wanting in
Her fingers disobey  the rest of her  and climb down  they turn into years  of summer grandchildren  running from the chasing water  straight into her netted arms  
She sits there dripping  half in half out the sea  a tea bag full  of black uncut leaves  without you I whisper  the world is plain  tap water

2/30 #DaysLate#DollarsShort i am but a shadow of the spirits that Ishmael Reed is secretary to... I Am A Cowboy In The Boat Of Ra remains the single most inspirational poem to me

I am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra 

The devil must be forced to reveal any such physical evil  (potions, charms, fetishes, etc.) still outside the body  and these must be burned. (Rituale Romanum, published  1947, endorsed by the coat-of-arms and introductory  letter from Francis cardinal Spellman)  
I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra,  sidewinders in the saloons of fools  bit my forehead  like O  the untrustworthiness of Egyptologists  who do not know their trips. Who was that  dog-faced man? they asked, the day I rode  from town  
School marms with halitosis cannot see  the Nefertiti fake chipped on the run by slick  germans, the hawk behind Sonny Rollins' head  or the ritual beard of his axe; a longhorn winding  its bells thru the Field of Reeds.  
I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra. I bedded  down with Isis, Lady of the Boogaloo, dove  down deep in her horny, stuck up her Wells-F ar-ago  in daring midday getaway. Start grabbing the  blue, I said from top of my double crown
I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra. Ezzard Charles  of the Chisholm Trail. Took up the bass but they  blew off my thumb. Alchemist in ringmanship but a  sucker for the right cross  
am a cowboy in the boat of Ra. Vamoosed from  the temple i bide my time. The price on the wanted  poster was a-going down, outlaw alias copped my stance  and moody greenhorns were making me dance;  while my mouth's  shooting iron got its chambers jammed  
I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra. Boning-up in  the ol West i bide my time. You should see  me pick off these tin cans whippersnappers. 1  write the motown long plays for the comeback of  Osiris. Make them up when stars stare at sleeping  steer out here near the campfire. Women arrive  on the backs of goats and throw themselves on  my Bowie,  
I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra. Lord of the lash,  the Loup Garou Kid. Half breed son of Pisces and  Aquarius. I hold the souls of men in my pot. I do  the dirty boogie with scorpions. I make the bulls keep still and
and was the first swinger to grape to grape the taste.

I am a  cowboy in his boat. Pope Joan of the  Ptah Ra. C/mere a minute willya doll?  Be a good girl and  bring me my Buffalo horn of black powder  bring me my headdress of black feathers  bring me my bones of Ju-ju snake  go get my eyelids of red paint,.  Hand me my shadow  
I'm going into town after Set  
I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra  
look out Set  
here i come Set  
to get Set  to unseat Set  
to sunset Set  
to Set down Set  
usurper of the Royal couch  -imposter RAdio of Moses` bush  party pooper O hater of dance  vampire outlaw of the milky way

1/30 first up on my #DaysLate#DollarsShort#SealeyChallenge is perhaps my favorite poem of all time, Lucille Clifton's non-titled poem, If I Stand In My Window

if i stand in my window  naked in my own house  and press my breasts  against my windowpane  like black birds pushing against glass  because i am somebody  in a New Thing  
and if the man come to stop me  in my own house  naked in my own window  saying i have offended him  i have offended his  
let him watch my black body  push against my own glass  let him discover self  let him run naked through the streets  crying  praying in tongues