💙📚 What Lord Dunsany looked like.


Selección de obras escritas por Lovecraft, sus escritores favoritos o a los que ha influido más una selección de obras un poco escabrosas en español. Dependía de los fondos de la biblioteca para la pequeña exposición en una vitrina. #Biblioteca#Exposición#Literatura#Terror#HPLovecraft

Libros sobre una mesa. Lo títulos son: Verano de corrupción de Stephen King, Poesía completa de Edgar Allan Poe, Cuentos de un soñador de Lord Dunsany, Antología de la poesía macabra española e hispanoamericana, Cuentos sangrientos de Emilia Pardo Bazán, La bella, enigma y pesadilla de Pilar Pedraza, Los mitos de Cthulhu de Lovecraft y otros, El caso de Charles Dexter Ward de Lovecraft, En las montañas de la locura de Lovecraft, Dagon de Lovecraft, Viajes al otro mundo: el ciclo de aventuras oníricas de Randolph Carter de Lovecraft, Antología de cuentos de terror y El horror de Dunwich de Lovecraft.

Wow. Quite a ripoff of Dunsany there!


Para acompañar nuestro episodio publicado ayer, nos despedimos por hoy con el enlace a la lista de nuestros audios con relatos de Lord Dunsany. Que lo disfrutéis. Buenas noches.


Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany:


HP Lovecraft: Hm. I descended the Seventy Steps of Lighter Slumber, but this doesn't look like Celephais Beach and all the clams we can eat, this place is full of Ital-- Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany [tumbling down the final stairs]: Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Hello Celephais Bea-ea-ea...


Nuevo audio fantástico en Cuentos del bosque oscuro, hoy con el maestro indiscutible de la fantasía, los mundos oníricos, los paisajes exóticos de tierras de ensueño. «Un día en el confín del mundo», de Lord Dunsany

Un día en el confín del mundo - Lord Dunsany - Cuentos del bosque oscuro - Podcast en iVoox
Un día en el confín del mundo - Lord Dunsany - Cuentos del bosque oscuro - Podcast en iVoox

«Un día en el confín del mundo» es un relato corto de Lord Dunsany, maestro indiscutible de la fantasía y los mundos oníricos. Ha sido publicado en numerosas antologías y traducido a varios idiomas. ...


“I have my Poe stories and my Dunsany stories, but where are my Lovecraft stories?” (Selected Letters 2.315)


There's a story by Lord Dunsany titled "The Highwaymen," which ends with the line "...and knew not that in their sinful lives they had sinned one sin at which the Angels smiled." This article makes me think of that.

[Newspaper article] TRICKS ON THE SOUTH - Sham Negro Catches - It appears that there are a few speculating individuals in New York, says the Herald, who are constantly in the habit of looking over the Southern and South Western newspapers to see what negroes are therein advertised as having run away. And as fast as they find out, they write on to the owners, stating that the negro in question has arrived in New York, and that the writer can catch him. But first the master must remit the writer twenty dollars, to pay preliminary expenses, and afterwards remit one hundred dollars to clear the account. The writer impudently adds that he has a good deal of trouble with these things, and a multiplicity of business on his hands, and if the owner is not disposed to go through with the thing, and prosecute it to the utmost, he needn't trouble the writer at all. Now, generally the bait is taken, and the money remitted; and the master finds too later that the negro has never been off his plantat