this author in every fic they write. I just finished blood in the snow and am halfway through von dutch bitch, check those out too!

a close up of a person 's mouth with a light shining through it
a close up of a person 's mouth with a light shining through it

ALT: a close up of a person 's mouth with a light shining through it


There was a food delivery truck that stopped, and apparently if you're Dutch this looks delicious?


A addsion rae em von dutch remix


Dutch grammar is a mess so I’m not sure I prefer it over declensions… (especially as it’s beginner level and the expectations can’t be too high on that regard!)


The crime involved seven armed Dutch nationals of Surinamese and Antillean descent who were apprehended during the heist attempt. 3/3


I haven't used my Dutch oven yet, but that's my next experiment. I've been trying one no-knead recipe officially modified for a loaf pan because I prefer the shape, but I'm giving up until I get the basic right.


Meloni deu o recado,manda tropas italianas para estabelecer o estado da Palestina. A admiradora do Dutch, mas dessa vez estou com ela. Mas além de justiça, a gente sabe conhece o íntimo da Meloni, pelo menos dessa vez está fazendo justiça, apesar do resto


A magazine in Dutch that my father subscribed to had an ad on the back showing a man holding a globe. The headline said “Dit is de wereld.” My siblings and I could make each other laugh just saying that in a loud voice. It still cracks me up many years later.


The plan is to let you die.

• • •
Aaron Regunberg & @AaronRegunberg
Nothing to see here -- just an internal report by Shell from 1989 precisely predicting the "violent weather" and
"deluges" that just destroyed half of Appalachia, and summing up expected climate chaos with the comment,
"Civilisation could prove a fragile thing."
take place at temperate latitudes. There would be more violent weather - more storms, more droughts, more deluges. Mean sea level would rise at least 30 cm. Agricultural patterns would be most dramatically changed. Something as simple as a moderate change in rainfall pattern disrupts eco-systems, and many species of trees, plants, animals and insects would not be able to move and adapt.
The changes would, however, most impact on humans. In earlier times, man was able to respond with his feet. Today, there is no place to go because people already stand there.
Perhaps those in industrial countries could cope with a rise in sea level (the Dutch example) but for poor countries s