Basically I take the gamma spectrum and calculate the detections of photo peaks from the nuclies. I account for dη/de, and calculate dA/dt for both new nuclides using a bateman equation. So it's pretty straightforward, even for somebody with dyscalculia, like me 😅


why my dyslexia/ dyscalculia is tied to how I see things in my head: i was trying to figure out what an hour BEFORE 4:44pm would be. pictured a clock in my head. took a quarter chunk out. still couldn't figure it out. literally sat there for 5 minutes until i realized an hour before is 3:44 :/


526* dyscalculia wtf are numbers anyway


@dangrsmind what I don't understand about the "dyscalculia" of ChatGPT et al. is, that it's not solved by a suitable subsystem. It would be completely avoidable, if they wouldn't insist on solving it with an LLM. The tokenisation could be adapted not to mess up numbers and to recognise math […]


My dad has dyslexia. I have dyscalculia. I never had trouble reading, but I did have some trouble learning to spell. I’d always mix up “ie” and “ei” words. But I’m unsure if that was also dyslexia or if it’s just because English spelling was never standardized.


They tell me big number scary but bitch I've got dyscalculia


Thats not taking mental health into consideration btw, that I understand fully, or also having a developmental disorder, my case is dyscalculia


I asked my partner who has dyslexia, dyscalculia, and a computer science degree. Here’s what my they suggested:

Almost every editor has the ability for font changes. Change the fonts to comic sans on everything. On top of that all editors have the ability to change the color schemes and word hilighting. He can manually go through and change the word colors for different items so they aren’t painful to the eyes and make things easier to see. As for syntax errors, normally you can change the color of the red squiggles that show up under your errors. Some editors also have a thing on the side that will put a colored hilight by the number of a row with an error on it so making sure that’s a noticeable color is important. I think the last biggest thing is to ALWAYS USE DARKMODE. Dark mode makes it 1000% easier for adhd/dyslexic individuals, such as myself, to be able to actually focus on what’s written on the screen.
Once his editor is set in a way that makes it easier for him to read it will be life changing. Plus it’s fun to go through and pick your own colors. I normally spend an hour or so on that whenever I get a new editor and it saves me so much time down the road. One thing to note is that other people will most likely have a harder time reading his screen and code, which makes sense cause he can’t read theirs. That being said, never let anyone make you feel bad for having settings that help you.
I get a lot of comments of “Wow… that’s a lot” or “or those settings are a lot different” when others look at my screen but I can actually read it so it doesn’t matter. Their bright white screens with typewriter fonts and beige color coding is a lot for me to try and read and I’m not commenting on it