Government had dragged 80 people in different parts of Lwengo, Kyotera and Rakai districts to court for rejecting compensation fees for their pieces of land that are onn the demarcated route of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline-EACOP project.

EACOP: Govt goes to court after 80 reject compensation figures
EACOP: Govt goes to court after 80 reject compensation figures

Government had dragged 80 people in different parts of Lwengo, Kyotera and Rakai districts  to court for rejecting compensation fees for their pieces of land that are onn the demarcated route of the E...


Onze kameraden, gearresteerd op 26 aug tijdens een protest tegen de EACOP-pijpleiding bij het ministerie van Energie in Kampala, hebben borgtocht zonder betaling gekregen. Ze danken de supporters en keren op 12 nov terug naar de rechtbank, vastberaden in hun strijd. #StopEACOP


We steunen de 21 Oegandese demonstranten die maandag zijn gearresteerd tijdens de #StopEacop-protesten. Het toenemende politiegeweld tegen tegenstanders van de East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is zorgwekkend en onacceptabel. [1/3]

Demonstranten lopen met borden met daarop de teksten; ‘STOP OIL AND EACOP #StopEACOP #SignTheTreaty en END FORCED EVICTION OF PEOPLE

Police and soldiers from Uganda’s U.S.-trained army cracked down on demonstrators at two Monday protests against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, continuing the globally condemned oppression of EACOP opponents

US-trained military in Uganda targets oil pipeline protesters
US-trained military in Uganda targets oil pipeline protesters

"The arrest of climate activists against EACOP is a blatant move to silence crucial advocates for change," said Fridays for Future Uganda.