#OTD#WilliamCecil#EdwardVI#ElizabethI whom he served as Chief adviser for 14yrs A great builder & patron of the arts, responsible for building Burghley House


A few verses from an anonymous

Lady Jane Grey Ballad
Lady Jane Grey Ballad

A few verses from an anonymous 17th Century ballad about the fate of Lady Jane Grey. From the Golden Garland of Princely Pleasures, 1620 Eleanor Cramer: soprano Richard De Winter: tenor Tamsin Lewis: alto A lamentable Ditty on the death of the Lord Guilford Dudley, and the Lady Iane Gray, that for their parents ambition, in seeking to make these two yong Princes King and Queene of England, were both beheaded in the Tower of London. To the tune of, Peter and Parnell. When as King Edward left this life in young and tender blooming years Began such deadly hate and strife, that filled England full of fears: Ambition in those ancient days. More then ten thousand, thousand, thousand thousand troubles did arise. Northumberland being made a Duke, ambitiously doth seek the crown, And Suffolk for the same did look, to put Queen Mary’s title down. That was King Henry’s daughter bright, And Queen of England, England, England and King Edwards heir by right. Lord Guildford and the Lady Jane, were wedded by their parents wills The right from Mary so was tane, which drew them on to further ills: But mark the end of this misdeed, Mary was crowned, crowned, crowned, and they to death decreed. Their parents likewise lost their heads, for climbing thus one step too high: Ambitious towers have slippery leads, and fearful to a wise mans eye. For one amiss great houses fall, Therefore take warning, warning, warning by this you gallants all. From Passamezzo's CD " They that in Ships unto the Sea down go"


#OTD#EdwardSeymour#HenryVIII's#EdwardVI#OTD#ElizabethI big time! He was sent to the Tower of London


#OTD#EdwardVI#Tudor#MaryDudley#ElizabethI’s favourite Robert) a rare love match she died 3m later Buried at Penshurst Place & his heart at Ludlow Castle