After I'm finished with historical pluralism and establishing the Egalitarian Society I'm going to switch back to working on energy and the culture of the Free People.


we have this egalitarian culture that papier-maches over the inherited British class system with alcoholism and gambling


Of the 164 countries with smoking data, the share of women smokers is higher than men in only three. They're all tiny, under 1 million residents. Any guesses which country with population > 1MM is closest to parity? Hint: It's egalitarian in other ways too.


Due to limited space, couldn't post much about the Orochi. They are able to swap sexes as needed and usually do not ascribe to a human gender. They have a fairly egalitarian society where deeds are the best measure of worth. In game they are strong and healthy, growing stronger as they are hurt.


My own favorite taxi experience was a dozen or so years back w/ The Angriest Cabbie in Las Vegas. My buddy and I at first thought he was very racist, then realized he hated EVERYBODY in a very egalitarian way. Included on his shit list were people who don't wear cutoff jeans when they go swimming.


i can never bring myself to play any authortarian/genocidal empire for a full game, even when doing hive minds/robots even my xenophobe playthroughs usually just have me isolating and quietly teching up in a corner i do love some egalitarian liberator runs, tho.


Feudal metaphors were common in antebellum America. White liberals like Jefferson celebrated the egalitarian promise—every white person could potentially own land and succeed!—America over feudal Europe. Alexander Stephens agreed.


Also when I say Judaism requires community, I mean that literally. You need ten adults* for your prayers to be heard. Anything that doesn’t require ten people is still designed as a shared ritual to be done with family. * Ten adult men if you’re not egalitarian


In South Asia, Islam replaced one caste system with another - and it's even layered on the older Hindu caste system. Universal religions aren't any more internally egalitarian than particularistic ones.