In this community, we will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, sexism, ageism, ableism, sizeism, transphobia, misogynoir, elitism, and bigotry! #PeoplePowerUnited


Lol changing state law just for the 100 person exclusive club inside the new boondoggle basketball arena, you have to hand it to CA Democrats. Those folks LOVE to go to the French Laundry and the spa while closing schools and banning the public from going to the bar. Elitism is their favorite sport

California lawmakers pass bill allowing alcohol sales until 4 a.m. at club in new LA Clippers arena
California lawmakers pass bill allowing alcohol sales until 4 a.m. at club in new LA Clippers arena

California lawmakers on Tuesday night quietly passed a bill that will flex state law by allowing alcohol sales inside of a club in the future arena of the Los Angeles Clippers until 4 a.m.


Didn’t we spend years after the 2016 election trying to find (rational) explanations for his appeal (economic anxiety, corruption/anti-elitism, patriotism, etc)? Most of these explanations failed the test of time imo.


Eveeeeeeryone wants to go one about "New York tough" or whatever, but take that willingness to go hard, sprinkle in some elitism, and yeeeeeeeeep. Eventually you throw in some Irish immigrants who've already dealt with England's bullshit, and it just increases lol.


I do want to like Warhammer, but every time I engage with the audience online, I am so appalled by them. Maybe it is because of the digital community, but I would rather stay home painting than spending time with such unabashed bigotry and unwarranted arrogance/elitism. #ttrpg#warhammer


There was something about union of technological elitism, the glorification of youth, the impulse to speed and violence, the association with war and national competition which made aviation and fascism natural bedfellows. Not sure if that constellation still exists, but maybe in a different way?


One crank theory I have is that prestige media is vastly overrated for how it impacts the electorate and that Harris and Walz are being incredibly savvy in ignoring it for local and new media, at the expense of Trump and JD who are both obsessed with prestige and elitism.


Something about elitism and him hating anyone who didn't use traditional? Can't remember the specifics aside from him being an asshat


There are so many people who would love to foster or adopt, but the fact of the matter is shit sucks alls round and we need more than just hate towards folks who are doing their best to help. This elitism always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. :T