Veganism is an ideological stance against oppression and speciesism. Carnism is an oppressive ideology rooted in speciesism. Vegetarians are carnists on a diet. If you genuinely oppose the issues listed, act on it, help to #EndSpeciesism,#GoVegan.

This image is a chart comparing vegetarians, animal eaters, and vegans. It highlights various practices tied to the exploitation and killing of animals, such as paying to kill chickens when they stop producing eggs or cows when they stop producing milk, funding systems that kill male calves, and consuming dairy made for baby cows. The chart shows that both vegetarians and animal eaters participate in many of the same harmful actions, while vegans avoid them. The message at the bottom urges vegetarians not to conflate their lifestyle with veganism and encourages them to consider going vegan.

Interesante -y clarificador- artículo que define términos y delimita las diferencias entre


Everyone deserves equal consideration & respect - no matter their species. Humans aren’t more important than anyone else. #EndSpeciesism


Freiheit. Des deutschen wichtigstes Gefühl. Neben Ignoranz allem und allen anderen gegenüber. #goVegan#EndSpeciesism


Konsumiert kein tierisches Leben. Tut das so oft ihr könnt. Und denkt unbedingt darüber nach wie oft ihr das könnt. Lernt zu fühlen was es bedeutet von uns wie ein "Nutztier" behandelt zu werden. Lernt euch als Teil eines reichhaltigen Ganzen zu verstehen. Es lohnt sich. #GoVegan#EndSpeciesism


Make your own slogan and target with a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the clear belief behind. All activities and actions that support equality, peace, justice are worth to fight for. #makelovenotwar#endspeciesism#justice#humanrights