DA VINCI: (painting, yelling) Bit more enigma, darling. MORE ENIGMATIC, LISA


Timothée Chalamet's Secret Side Hustle: A Bookworm Extraordinaire Timothée Chalamet, heartthrob of the silver screen and Gen Z's favorite enigmatic actor, has a secret life you probably don't know about. #Tik4TaTcom#Timothé


Mysterious. Enigmatic. 😂❤️


Enigmatic post from a random stranger. Happy October!


the active Sun. Pictured above is perhaps the highest resolution image yet of these enigmatic solar flux tubes. Spicules dot the above frame of solar active region 10380 that crossed the Sun in June, but are particularly evident as a carpet of dark tubes on the right. Time-sequenced images have


Spicules: Jets on the Sun Source: #slarphysics#astonomy sun #spae #scienc #spicules #soaractivity #olarflare #sunpots #nasa #astrohotography #saceweather #mageticfields #solarwind

A high-resolution image of the Sun's surface, revealing a carpet of dark tubes, known as spicules. These enigmatic solar flux tubes are filled with hot gas that moves at speeds of 50,000 kilometers per hour and last about five minutes.  Recent studies have shown that spicules are caused by sound-like waves that flow over the Sun's surface and leak into its atmosphere.

He was still him, the visionary enigmatic weirdo genius. Even a soy bomb couldn’t bring him down. It might take the right moment for you, but if you’re lucky, at some point you’ll be struck by the strange currencies of this early, late-career masterpiece.


I haven't seen him do work that commits to that kind of psychological realism in character motivation, etc. I think his characters are enigmatic, theatrical figures who stride around in costume enacting scenes that are bombastic but uncanny, and at times inscrutable.


The enigmatic Z! It’ll be the tipping point in your favour


Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist

Correggio spent most of his brief career in the northern Italian city of Parma. Removed from the great centers of Renaissance art, he was able to create a remarkably innovative body of work. This intimate devotional panel is a product of the artist’s youth. Here Correggio revealed his own evolving style while assimilating lessons from other masters. The panel’s pyramidal grouping of figures reflects the High Renaissance manner of Raphael, while their soft outlines and the Virgin’s enigmatic smile recall Leonardo da Vinci. The evocative use of the distant landscape demonstrates the young artist’s awareness of Northern European precedents. The gentle sensuousness of the figures and the tenderness they show one another through glance are unique to Correggio. The artist used light, shadow, and color to bathe the panel in a gentle glow; skin and fabrics appear to take on a velvety texture. The expressive, idyllic quality of this painting presages the radiant ceiling frescoes of Correggio’s maturity, especially those in Parma’s Cathedral.

Clyde M. Carr Fund