you do have to turn my bones into jewelry so we can start the ethics of human bone wearing discourse tho


It’s frustrating topic, because genAI clearly isn’t suited for the applications it’s being marketed for, and there are meaningful conversations to be had about its ethics and social impact, but most of the arguments I see from BOTH sides are really poorly considered and rooted in misinformation.


In media ethics guidelines, there is nothing about obligations regarding truth-telling or fact-checking it seems up to the viewers to grasp what is real and what is not.


Netanyahu is trying to goad the U.S. into another Forever War in the Middle East. He is hoping our greed will outweigh any ethics or common sense


I’m appalled by how otherwise well-educated, rational people are shockingly ignorant about ChatGPT & the like—how it functions, what it produces, the ethics (or lack thereof) of what it’s “trained” on, the environmental toll. I’d be impressed by the level of mass delusion if it wasn’t so troubling.


i keep seeing pundit-type people mad at Newsom for vetoing this “AI Safety” bill, but the AI ethics experts I follow don’t seem to care, since it apparently didn’t actually address real problems with AI. Would be open to being convinced otherwise, but seems like a nothingburger.


I believe the intent was that the majority of people with your ethics are not the sort who go into policing to begin with. Of those who do, witnessing corruption and objecting to excessive use of force often leads to them leaving.


“The idea that Americans might personally oppose abortion but also disfavor banning it isn't new. But in the aftermath of Dobbs, this idea is taking on new salience. To help understand why, I sought out people who consider themselves pro-life but question the ethics or efficacy of abortion bans.”

These pro-lifers don't love abortion bans
These pro-lifers don't love abortion bans

I talked with pro-life Americans who are uncomfortable with the post–'Roe v. Wade' abortion policy landscape.


Are Republicans now having the gall to say to Americans that there's a "moral line" now? Too little, far too late. They are ALL tainted by their cowardice, the absence of integrity, credibility and ethics. THAT's the only reason anyone is seeing this headline - they have an inkling of failure