Da Figgy bad, he runned away From mama bery fast He run and run and run until Two houses he go past At da fird, he found a twee He clime up fast and pwoud Den da mama skooped him up Cuz dere he not allowed #CheddarPoetry#FiggyGotInTrubble#IBeGoodBoy#FiggyBad#FinNotCome

Figgy stands on the wide branch of a tree, with the thick trunk behind him. He is facing left and his mouth is partly open, making it look like he is happily singing.

Shadow kitty copys me Follows me As sunbeam shines Ware I go Is ware he gos He stays lots close His paws wif mine But wen I go Beneef da twee He dissypeers Into da shade #ShadowKitty#FinNotCome

Cheddar sits on the sidewalk, looking towards the left. On his left side, his shadow, a silhouette of his head, can be seen.

Mama gots a sammich And I wants to hab sum too Firs I kwall onto her lap And den I start to mew I forget my manners And I twy to kwikly gwab Mama makes me wait and wait And den a peese I hab #CheddarPoetry#Sammich#ILikesSammich#DisSammichNeedsHam#WhyDereNoHam#FinNotCome

Closeup of Cheddar as he's about to take a bite of a small remaining piece of sandwich being held by his mama.

I is a lion Stwong and fearse Hunting Inbizzybil My pwey dos not see Slowly I stok Kwietly I step Den I run up to mama And gib her a kiss #IFearseButSweet#FinNotCome

Cheddar walks towards the camera, with a serious expression, pretending that he's a fierce lion.

Mama's hed is hurty So jus dis will be my post I gonna purr and cuddle Cuz I luvs my mama most #CheddarPoetry#hurtyHed#MiteNotHartOrWeply#ITakeCareOfMama#FinNotCome

Closeup of Cheddar as he sleeps in the blankets.

My mama gibs me cuddles And she comes wen I go mew My mama gibs me nummy noms And den she steels my poo My mama sabed me long ago A hewo wat she be I luvs her lots, wif all my hart And she belongs to me #CheddarPoetry#MothersDay#MamasDay#ILuvsMyMama#BitesMeanLuv#FinNotCome

A closeup of Cheddar as he lies on the floor, looking up at the camera with big eyes.

Mama had a hurty hed I cuddled up to care In da morn, we boff waked up Wif smoke all in air Forwest fires, far away Dey blowed da smoke all heer Closing all da windows Mama ses no need for fear #CheddarPoetry#StinkySmoky#HurtyHed#MamaSesNoOutsideToday#NoFair#FinNotCome

A closeup of Cheddar as he sleeps, all curled up.

It alreddy be one year Sints Figgy firs be found Teeny, tiny, all alone He maked a skweeky sound Altho at firs I not be shur We soon began to play He became my brudder And foreber he now stay #CheddarPoetry#GotchaDay#Figgy#TinyBaby#LiddleBrudder#HeBeJus295gwams#FinNotCome

A tiny baby Figgy sits and looks up at the camera. He is licking his lips and his chin is covered in milk.

Sunbeam be shining on my hed As I be sleeping in My favrit hammik bed Earlwee in da morn As I dweaming bout da sunbeam Shining warmly Peesefully As da happy fills me #Parrydee#Sundwops#Sunbeam#SunPuddle#HappyNappy#FinNotCome

Closeup of Cheddar as he sleeps in his plush hammock bed. His arm is tucked under his chin, and the sun is shining brightly on his head.

Figgy tolded mama Dat I farted on his hed I sed, Figgy, dat not twue Cuz yoo alive, not ded! #CheddarPoetry#INotTooted#FinNotCome

Cheddar's bottom half is on the left side of the photo, standing with his tail moving. Close to his derrière, Figgy sits in a bed with an unimpressed expression on his face.