Mama gots a hurty hed It prolly from da hots Sunbeam shining bery bwite Dat hurts da mama lots All da nite, da mama hurt Today, she in my care I will halp her hed get well Cuz hurty heds not fair #CheddarPoetry#SunbeamGettingTooHot#INotLikeDaHot#HurtyHed#MiteNotHartOrWeply

Closeup of Cheddar as he cuddles with his mama and sleeps.

I has pawtee, played all day And it be so much fun! Now I has a tired And my birdie day is done Fank yoo for da messyjes So many still to weed I will do dat later cuz A nappy's wat I need #CheddarPoetry#IBe7Now#INeedNappy#MiteNotHartOrWeply#StillNoFin

Cheddar is sleeping in his hammock bed. His one arm is folded and his other arm is stretched out.

I stayed lots close I cuddled, purred Til mama's hed Be better, kured But ober nite It come attak And mama's hurty hed Be bak #CheddarPoetry#HurtyHed#ItNotNice#ITakeCareOfMamaTilSheBetterAgen#MiteNotHartorWeply#StillNoFin

Closeup of Cheddar as he cuddles with his mama. His arm is wrapped around her hand.

Mama's hed is hurty So jus dis will be my post I gonna purr and cuddle Cuz I luvs my mama most #CheddarPoetry#hurtyHed#MiteNotHartOrWeply#ITakeCareOfMama#FinNotCome

Closeup of Cheddar as he sleeps in the blankets.

Mama gots a hurty hed And dat not nice It not be fair She no fun, she gots to west I cuddles cuddle She in my care #CheddarPoetry#HurtyHed#Mygwain#IMakesShurFiggyBehabe#MiteNotHartOrWeply#FinNotCome

Closeup of Cheddar's face as he sleeps.

Figgy stoled anubber stwa And tooked it from da sink Den he put in water bol Cuz stwas be used for dwink Den he stoled a slurpee cup And put it by da dor Mama asked him why it dere He sed in car, from stor #CheddarPoetry#SillyFiggy#FINCAME#MamaNeedsWest#MiteNotHartOrWeply

Figgy sits and looks up towards the camera, with his head tilted slightly to the right, and a curious expression.

Mama okay She jus needs lots mor west No pooter for mama Jus cuddles, dats best Yoo not has to worry But my posts will be less I take care of mama And makes shur dere no stwess #CheddarPoetry#MiteNotPostyTomoro#MiteNotHartOrWeply#MamaNeedsWest#Catcushin#FinNotCome

Cheddar sits and looks up at the camera, with a thoughtful expression.

Mama maked da Fig a toy, A belkwo loopy loop Figgy finks dat it da best It not for eats to poop Mama frows it down da hall Da Figgy runs to get In da water bol he puts And gets da loop all wet #CheddarPoetry#SillyFiggy#IStillTakingCareOfMama#MiteNotHartOrWeply#FinNotCome

Figgy lies on his side on the floor. In his left paw he holds a red velcro cable loop as he bites it.

Mama still be heeling But da mama, she ok I is making shur she wests I care for her today #CheddarPoetry#Catcushin#SpwanedNek#IHalpMamaGetBetter#MiteNotHartOrWeply#MamaNeedsWest#FinNotCome

Cheddar poses, looking at the camera with a caring and concerned expression on his face.

Mama slipped Or maybe twipped As she walked down da paff Den she falled All heddy first Into a twuk dat park She hurt her hed And hurt her nek To doktor mama goed Now da mama Be all sore And needs be in my care #MiteNotHartOrWeply#MiteNotPostyTomoro#Catcushin#SpwanedNek