I'm not doing #FinishUrBookFall or anything but after drafting a novel in 2 months this summer I decided to see if I could do it again this fall. So far it looks like I can. Not long ago I thought I might never write a book again. This is the 3rd one I've written in 2024. So. This feels good.


I didn't realize there was a #FinishUrBookFall but I am here for it. Oh, do I need this in my life right now. O_O


Over on Threads I'm participating in #FinishUrBookFall! Today is introducing your main character day, and for me that's Dr. Ambrose Harrow (with special guest, the BG3 character creation system).


The final #FinishUrBookFall part 1 = my creative process. Best part: the research, losing myself in a bygone era, wandering around countless stately homes as scenes from the novel unfold in my mind. Worst part: with a full-time job and a family, finding the time to write!


A second excerpt from Chapter 1 of A Remedy of Love for #FinishUrBookFall:

ā€˜What say you to a race?ā€™ 

ā€˜I say that is a fine idea. We shall be warmed up in no time. How many laps do you propose?ā€™

The playful nature of this response raised Pipā€™s spirits and woke in him an answering liveliness. ā€˜Six?ā€™

Fair brows rose. ā€˜If you are certain. That is quite a distance.ā€™

ā€˜Oh, I am quite certain.ā€™

Pip struggled to contain his glee as they took parallel starting positions. He knew what Lucky would be thinking, for it was far from the first time he had been underestimated as a competitor. But while Lucky undoubtedly had the greater strength, Pip had agility and speed. And never yet had he lost a race. They counted down in unison, pushed off against the silty bottom, and the world narrowed to a blur of frothing waters and glinting sun. When Pip glided to touch shore for the final time, he was mere seconds ahead - but ahead he was. Exhilarated, he hauled himself out of the water and collapsed face first onto the grassy bank.

Thanks for the kick in the pants, #FinishUrBookFall ā€” I emailed my completed draft to my agent this morning! šŸ˜