Locals say the wooden stature of gamekeeper Jack Radley is to give his spirit something to dwell in so that he can still keep poachers out of the woods. I'm not sure about that, but I can attest it bloody startles you if you come across it by torchlight.– #MattAdams


he also makes the excellent point that the absolute tsarist inflexibility on allowing literally any civic life or political expression, and obsessive censorship, meant that most revolutionaries had done hard time in tsarist jails... which naturally radicalized them - "poacher becomes gamekeeper"

To its critics the Peter and Paul Fortress was a microcosm of the tsarist system. Russia, remarked the Marquis de Custine after visiting the fortress in the 1830s, is 'in itself a prison; a prison whose vast size only makes it the more formidable'. The basic structure of the tsarist police state had been built up under Nicholas I after the Decembrist uprising of 1825, when a small coterie of liberal noblemen had conspired
- as Pushkin
put it, "between the claret and champagne'
- to impose a constitution on the monarchy
after Alexander Is death. Nicholas introduced sweeping laws including a new code of censorship in 1826 that (uniquely in Europe at the time) obliged all printed matter to gain clearance from the censor before publication — to stamp out all political dissent.
The Third Section, or secret police, established that year, had and this was once a
was singled out for punishment (his body was said to be covered with scars). Once installed in power, he was to copy many of these torture methods during the Red Terror.
Yet Dzerzhinsky was only one of many poachers turned gamekeepers. By 1917, the average Bolshevik Party activist had spent nearly four years in tsarist jails or exile; the average Menshevik nearly five. Prison hardened the revolutionaries. It prepared them for the struggle', giving them a private reason to hate the old regime and to seek revenge against its representatives. Kanatchikov,
who spent several years in tsarist jails, claimed that for Bolshevized workers like himself prison acted as a form of 'natural selection: the weak in spirit left the revolution, and often life, but the strong and steadfast were toughened and prepared for future battles'. Many years later, in 1923, Kanatchikov was told that one of the judges who had sentenced him to jail in 1910 had been shot by the Bolsheviks. "When I heard this', Kanatc

It all happened after the suicide attempt, I think. I’m not sure we know who the gamekeeper is now. I think we need to know. #TheArchers


While everyone is mad about trans women gatekeepers here I am profiting from the distraction as a trans woman gamekeeper. You are all pheasants to me.


@washingtonpost: An all-star reality show cast and a castle in the Highlands run by gamekeeper Alan Cumming make for a delightful blend of cozy-mystery intrigue and campy drama with "The Traitors."


Re-watching SG1. On season 2, episode 4. The final scene where the Gamekeeper is getting annoyed at people destroying his beautiful garden, and views it as the same reckless impulse that led his people to destroy their planet... hits different 26 years later. I'm definitely Team Gamekeeper now.


The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. Either side of it. My friend worked up to breakfast radio newsreader in the Sydney Metro market (wrote her own material, even at that level), now in Government Media Relations. So poacher turned gamekeeper I guess.


@AngelaRayner is a success story, poacher turned gamekeeper. If she were to back to her 20’s and living under this government, she would not get child support for her 3 children and her bipolar mother would be without the WFP. #ToryBlackHoleBullshit


You definitely don’t want to eat goat eggs Nelson…… will you need a gamekeeper ? Asking for me