Delighted to get a sneak peek of One for Sorrow by cracker!

Cover of wraparound comic book cover, Jamie McKelvie, One for Sorrow in white text top right, background is blue, grey white London befogged streetscape with bright gaslights, bottom right is the cloaked figure, black and pinkish with plague doctor mask in white, most prominently/largest then below that under an outstretched 'wing' is some human figures dressed in period with some blood stained cards arrayed nest to them

Oui, pour moi ça évoque le gothique et le grandguignol, Noblesse oblige, Frankenstein junior, etc


SISTER ABATTOIR // TRIPTYCH // GRANDGUIGNOL [Deranged Pilot who broadcasts herself slaughtering willing and unwilling opponents in cyberspace to her slavering audience. When the chat calls for "Grand Guignol", she and her target become entrapped in an inescapable arena]